Vaginal infection?

I've noticed a soul, slightly fishy odor from my vagina when I was it within the shower with soap. I only smell it surrounded by the shower when I was down there. My secretion don't smell nor do my fingers smell if I insert them when I'm not in the shower. It doesn't itch or burn or anything, though sometimes my discharge is a murky yellow or brown. This have been the case for a few months. Do I own a vaginal infection?

Orgasm Help? One More Than the Other? Multiple Questions?

Sounds like bacterial vaginosis. Go ahead and get checked out.

What % of women shower right away after sex?

From what you said, it does nouns like you have a vaginal infection. Any time you are unsure you should run ahead and get seen by a Gynecologist. If you can't afford the call on or don't have insurance there is free or low cost clinics avail. base on your income. Yellow discharge and an odor are typical signs of infection. You don't always get adjectives the symptoms such as burning, itching or pain. I'll give you a great cooperation that explains all the different discharges women get and what they stingy. Also brown discharge is quite normal, it's feeble blood. Sometimes you get that towards the end of your time or a few days before you are about to start. Hope you take checked out by a doctor soon!

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Sounds like you might have a bacterial infection,

Different types of infections:

Signs of yeast infections:
White, cottage cheese-like discharge
Swelling and twinge around the vulva
Intense itching

Signs of bacterial vaginosis:
A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge
A fishy odor that is strongest after sex or after washing next to soap
Itching or burning
Slight redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva

Signs of trichomoniasis
A watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge
An unpleasant odor
Pain and itching when urinating
Most adjectives after your period

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it sounds like it but im not sure considering you dont itch or burn or anything. but i absolutely think you should go see a doctor, especially next to that discharge. just in luggage.

Is it mundane for youthful girls to quality urges?

Colored or smelly discharge is a sign of infection. Make an appointment with your doctor and have him/her check it out only to be on the safe side.

Can someone serve please?

Yes, if you smell foul and your discharge is not white then you probably own an to the gynecologist!

I have an abortion.?

Sounds like it you necessitate a pap to confirm though.

Has anyone else have problems next to bleeding while on Nuvaring?

you might, go to your doctor..

Help beside a serious interview, please?

GO TO THE DOC ASAP GIRL!! that sounds like BV.

What happen to you?

you necessitate to see a dr

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Vaginal Infections
Vaginal Infections Overview
Vaginal Infection Causes
Vaginal Infection Symptoms
When to Seek Medical Care
Exams and Tests
Vaginal Infections Treatment
Self-Care at Home
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Related bacterial vaginosis articles:
Bacterial vaginosis - on WebMD
Bacterial vaginosis - on MedicineNet

Vaginal Infections Overview
Vaginal infections, or vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that creates discharge, odor, irritation, or itching. It is difficult to diagnose because vaginitis has many cause. Women use a variety of over-the-counter medications to treat the itching, discharge, and discomfort of these conditions.

The vagina creates its own environment and maintain a balance among the normal germs found there and the hormonal changes contained by a woman's body. Vaginitis occurs when the vaginal ecosystem has be changed by certain medications such as antibiotics, hormones, contraceptive preparations (oral and topical), douches, vaginal medication, sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, stress, and shift in sexual partners.
Some vaginal infections are transmitted through sexual contact, but others such as yeast infections probably are not. Vaginitis medium inflammation and is often caused by infections, but may be due to hormonal change (especially when a woman is going through menopause) or due to trauma in young girls. Some infections are associated beside more serious diseases.
Three vaginal infections are the most common. Their causes are comparatively different, their symptoms similar, and treatment varies.

Bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal yeast infection

Many women often mistakenly infer they have a "yeast infection" and treat themselves when, in certainty, they have a similar vaginal infection that will not respond to self-treatment with over-the-counter yeast medication. A recent study by the American Social Health Association found that 70% of women self-treated vaginal infections before calling a health trouble provider. Most often, they incorrectly thought they had a yeast infection when, surrounded by fact, it was bacterial vaginosis.
The prominent thing is not to guess, but to recognize the symptoms if you develop a vaginal infection. See your vigour care provider for precise testing and to catch the most appropriate and effective treatment right away.

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