Help wats wrong beside me?

I've been having discharges for yesteryear few years, first it was clear now its become white, wan and it has a smell to it like sharp. I dont know if i have a yeast infection because it doesnt itch or anything not painful, when i urinate its not stinging either.
Also, there's bumps around my vagina, PLEASE HELP ME
wat are these symptomps? Do i need to travel to my doctor? or to the gynocologist?
Im not sexually active at all. i am a virgin.
please back

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First, since I don't know all the details, have you have a period yet because various girls start noticing vaginal discharge before they start their term. this ist otally normal...

next...construct sure that you wash yourself thoroughly daily... you can purchase a feminine cleanser by Summer's Eve to be exact extra gentile for our feminine parts. Also, make sure that your underwear are 100% cotton so that they aren't trapping in moisture down near. Take showers instead of baths, avoid scented soaps and moisturizers in the genital nouns.. as they can irritate it. Also, realize that during a woman's period and sometimes right before or right after you may bring back a different smell to your discharge and this is normal! Every vagina has its own imaginative smell which is quite normal... so it may be nought, however if you think it is something abnormal or more unpleasant than usual consequently read on..>

A different or unpleasant odor to the vagina is usually caused by an overgrowth of a certain type of germs or of yeast. These are both VERY common so don't worry and they are also effortlessly cured. If you are having whitish discharge that can be chunky kind of similar to cottage cheese this indicates a yeast infection. A simple monistat treatment or a pill your doctor can perscribe can clear this up. Yeast infections can be caused by many factor, sometimes takign antibiotics, douching, staying in a wet bathign suit, taking baths, and oodles other things. Another thing which is quite adjectives is bacterial vaginosis. Your vagina normally has a correct amount of "healthy bacteria" that keep it at its optimum pH and hang on to it healthy and clean. Sometimes a different strain of microbes might start growing faster and crowd out the "good/healthy bacteria" this is called bacterial vaginosis. This can also cause itchiness, smelly discharge, burning or frequent urination. The most adjectives symptom of this is just the smeelly discharge however. THis again can also be caused by masses factors including your soap, the material your underwear is made from, touching yourself beside unclean hands, shifting sexual partners etc. neither a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis are STDs although they can be brought on by sex. Chlyamidya, Syphillis, Ghonnorhea, and Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma can also sometimes produce a change surrounded by vaginal odor. IF you are sexually active (even if you are a virgin, but you "mess around") you should go to your gynecologist and draw from tested. They can look under a microscope to look for bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections and they can to tests for the STDS. I infer that monistat or some other feminine product brand also makes a test that can narrate you if you have a yeast infection or other vaginal infection that they sell over the counter. If you want to try this first and later if your symptoms don't clear be sure to be checked up by a doctor. Some of the possible causes of vaginal odor can have long permanent status side effects if left untreated so this is something to take seriously.

but don't verbs, this is very common and most women will experience problems such as this multiple times surrounded by their life.

When you say that you are not sexually stirring do you mean you have never have intercourse or do you mean that you have never have any sexual contact? Many STDs can be spread by foreplay and not just intercourse so it is still possible to contract one as a "virgin". It is hard to speak without more of a description about what these bumps are. thieve into consideration whether they are shaving bumps or ingrown hairs. if they are on the inner parts of your genitals, your labia or towards the entrance to your vagina you could have genital wart or herpes. I would see a doctor in this case.

appropriate luck

I want a females counsel on what might be scheduled here...?

Usually, yeast infections itch. It could definately be a bacterial infection which can be caused from something as simple as using the wrong laundry detergent on your panties, washing next to a soap your allergic to, using tampons or pads for an extended period of time, or any number of things. The bottom chain is: clear=very normal yellow, white, or smelly= not mundane. The thing about bacterial infections is that they won't shift away on their own, they'll only get worse as the microbes multiply and can over time, cause harm to your reproductive organs- and end in an even stronger smell! You can go to your family doctor or a gynocologist and explain that you are a virgin (if they hold to examine you, they will do so very carefully because of this) or they may elect to afford you an antibiotic to see if your symptoms clear up with no pap smear. Bacterial infections are really common, but you can't buy an over-the-counter cream for them, you call for antibiotics.

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It is probably nothing to worry nearly. Some changes in discharge are regular and happen with cycle changes/hormone change. If it isn't bothering you, it is probabaly to let it be and see how it progresses b/c often the body will fix itself. Just think twice not to use too much antibacterial soap or soaps in general down near. Only Dove sensitive soap 1 time a day or less. Soap isn't really needed down nearby, just warm wet rinses are fine. Also, bubble bath can do this too. Unless you are having symptoms that are cause problems like itching, burning, etc just agree to it be. If it continues to progress, you will need to see a gyno for testing to see if it is a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Some bumps around the vagina are conventional anatomy, but if they resemble white cauliflower like tops you may have a problem. Oh yeah, cotton underwear.

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i can try to answer your cross-examine with a question. do you douche? if you do you stipulation to stop becuase you are killing helpful microbes and bad bacteria is getting within there.
Do you shave? if you have not changed your cut-throat recently you may have a short time infection from the dirty razor.
Do you masturbate with anything bar clean hands? If so, you want to throughly clean whatever you use next to soap and hot water or get a up to date object.

If none of these apply to you then you have need of to see your OB/GYN to make sure it is not something more serious. Good luck

What do i recount a friend that other complains going on for anyone hefty?

The bumps would concern me. Get to a gynocologist and they will be able to diagnose you.
It could a moment ago be the panties you're wearing are irritating you.
As for the discharge, only a doc can tell.
Don't dally around and make yourself more and more afraid. Make an appt. to ease your mind.

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Try this website, it should back answer your questions...

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Couldn't hurt to see a doctor.
Could be nil but always helps to lately ask and see. . .
Best of luck.

Bloody show and 28 hours after that...?

I think a regular doctor would be o.k. Don't wear tight pants, inflict that keeps the air from circulating. Good luck.

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run to a doctor!

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