What's Wrong near me?

Help. I'm 5'9 and 105 pounds. i'm scared of gaining immensity and i just can't seem 2 devour. what wrong with me?
My hairs thinning and i'm constantly cold
My Body Fat % is 6.91

i'm 14..

Advice on losing virginity?

honey bunch, you enjoy an eating disorder. if youre really scared, you obligation to talk to someone you trust. there are various people like you who go wrong to even recognize the fact that nearby might be a problem. by reaching out for help and recognizing this, you are on your bearing to solving your problem, so talk to someone you trust. they will be able to facilitate you personally. if you dont know how to tell someone, afterwards just ask, sweetheart ive been through this past.

Can semen live outside of the body for a week... later somehow fashion a woman pregnant after the week if it get?

mind opening up your email?

you've got a enormously serious eating disorder. your hair shouldn't be getting thinner. and 6.9% body curvy is DANGERIOUS

do your parents take you to the doctor? fake sick if you enjoy to to get to one, though i don't think fake it would be hard at this point

in the meantime, you call for to try to eat something.easier foods to eat are close to cereal, toast, cottag cheese, ect. grain foods mainly

why do you do this? sometimes dealing beside the emotional problems can be easier. i don't think you can be positive right now.

How can i stop my mothly from comming backbone?

Yeah, see a doctor! It sounds like you've get either a serious physical illness or serious anorexia.

Lack of nutrients and calories from food will tight your hair and result in losing the insulating section of body fat that keeps you melt. You NEED to gain weight if you want your hair backbone!

I can have a feeling what i believe is my ovary?

well im 5'8 and 120 lbs so yur really underweight! you have a disorder..try to stop since it gets any worse! dont be afraid to gain weight! why would you be?? ppl (guys) are not attracted to fear-provoking skinny girls. you are cold because you dont have enough decent body fat to keep you heat! prob same reason for your hair thinning..scarcity of healthy weight. jump see a doctor asap!

Why do you enjoy your extent anyways?

just eat, your loosing hackle and are cold all the time cause you are not getting the nutrients you necessitate.

Wait... where are your parents? shouldn't they notice this?

What's worse human being mal neutritioned with no hair, and system disorders or growing a bit pudgy?

Is this mundane (Boobs question)?

Sounds like you may be anorexic but do not freak out. If you do not eat. Then you may hold to go to rehab. And they can force food in a tube down your mouth. Start out intake little things like crackers and soup! Eat things with abundantly of calories!

Sex Drive?

Nothing is wrong with you! I weighed 86 lbs and I be 5'6 at age 14, you are just young beside a fast metabolism. If you have see a change in your appetite, catch checked out, but if not, don't worry almost it.

Why isn't my time regular?

one word. anorexic.

you are about 40 pounds under immensity. a healthy female who is 5 foot should weigh just about 100lbs - add 5 pounds for every inch over 5 foot.

go chomp through a hamburger. or two.

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sweetie you should talk to ur parents and see if tthey will take you too a doctor and run some test seriously talk to them you really need to bring checked out

Yeast infection??

don't worry, be happy. ?

I lost ten pounds, and my breasts are looking rather droopy. What would come up if I gain it fund?

You enjoy an eating disorder. See a therapist.

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You're underweight. That's what's wrong beside you.

My boobs own be really achey lately. I am truthfully sure it's not my bra, because the are not sore where on earth the

shut up

Please be honest..?

see a doc quick. you could be seriously sick.

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