Late for my interval??

I am two days late.. I don't want to test on the other hand because I don't want a BFN.. But I don't feel like I normaly do when I start my time.. I feel like I want to vomit after I munch through but if I don't eat I feel worse? I discern like I am just making myself prego.. Oh and my nipples look unnatural.. They have like these bumps on them.. Sorry for tmi.. Any words of direction would be great.. The hubby and I are hoping we are pregnant

Answers:    you could be pregnant, but of course i wouldnt be able to describe you that based on your description (or over the internet, for that matter). you can get an impulsive response home test from the drugstore- these can detect pregnancy as early as 7 days earlier your missed period (a regular preg test wouldnt be capable of detect it at this stage). the bumps on your nipples are most likely montgomery's tuburcules, sebaceous glands or ductal openings, but in need looking at it, noone can really say for sure. if these seemed to enjoy become more pronounced in the last couple of weeks, it could be that the montgomery's tuburcules hold become more exaggerated in appearance due to pregnancy and you may notice an slippery discharge if you are pregnant. have you noticed a amendment in color in the areola? thats also an indicator of pregnancy, but to be sure, i would markedly urge you to get an early response try-out and follow up with your ob/gyn. good luck!.
Take an EPT or first response tryout theses are the ones that pick up on HCG the earliest. It really does sound similar to you may be prego but, I don't want to get your hopes up. You have be through this before and you can take the disappointment if you are not but, it is best for the newborn the earlier you know and get dutiful prenatal care. I reccomend you to take a blood pregnancy examination after the 5th day of your period difficulty, at that time this tests are very accurate and you will know if your pregnant or not. But your symptons say that possibly you are. Good luck!.
Just go and test. It won't execute you if you're not.

Plus, only 2 days late is for a moment early to be thinking that way, don't you meditate? Give it another week or two then test.

Highest of hopes to you and "The Hubby".
gurll i reckon u should go take a theory test it would not hurt noing then feeling sick n wondering wats up simply do it mayb it would feel better 2 no n if ur not u no wat then sermon 2 your doctor rite away it can b other issues not 2 scare u..gud luck if its within the forst 2 years of you starting. it'll be a bit messy.

nd it can be 31 to 34 days

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