Do you know a childish woman or any woman that have it?

Hi, I am 26 and a mother of 4. I asked a ? last night...but very soon I know the answer! I DO have Lymphoma and I am scared to annihilation, I can hardly stop shaking to compose this ?, what can I do? What is the survival? I thought i was too babyish to get you know any young woman that have this type of cancer. I am sorry if I am rambling, I am just so upset.

Answers:    Actually I know someone who has lynphoma and they have responded economically to chemo. I wish you and your children the best of luck. I think you should detail them because they will understand and you will have your own little support group.

I hope I hepled, and remember you can pound this and then YOU can say you defeated cancer!.
Yes, my best friend be diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma last summer and she get the all clear this February. She reacted all right to her chemo and she is now fine. Her lymphoma was especially widely spread and advanced and she still recovered. Talk to your oncologist and get the facts, then u can plan from in that. In fact, the fact that u are young-looking and female puts the odds of repossession in your favour. My friend be 18 when diagnosed, but was undiagnosed for 2 years. There are many great resources out at hand, also, your oncologist can put you in touch with a counciller for you and your relations. The survival rate for certain types of lymphoma are high, be positive, draw from s treatment schedule together asap and stay strong. I am so sorry this has happen to you, but you can recover with treatment. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lymphoma is one of the most treatable forms of cancer.

My cousin have it in her 20s, she is now a 40 something mother of 3.

You inevitability to calm down, stress is never good. Make sure you agenda your doctor's visits and soon as possible, prepare your ADULT family member (husband, mother, siblings) for the fact that you will need their give support to (babysitting, cleaning, cooking) when you are in treatment.

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