Is my girlfriend mentally bad?

My girlfriend displays some really weird behavior in bed. For some judgment she really gets into kicking and kneeing me in the groin. She seem to really get excited doing it. Lately, she has even get me to let her stand on my testicles. I have a really lofty pain tolerance and am pretty hardy so it doesn't bother me a lot. And I really savour seeing her have fun. But I am worried this is a sign of some mental problem. Why does she like doing this? Should I be concerned? We enjoy talked a little and she merely says it excites her and she likes to see how much anguish I can take. She says the more I can give somebody a lift, the more it turns her on. She has even invited me to kick her down at hand, but I just feel too self-conscious about doing that. Anyway, I was a moment ago wondering if this is normal behavior for a girl.

What help growth?im a young person and im a lacto-vegetarian.?

She's kinky, not crazy. High pain tolerance? Sounds close to a match made in glory. Look into some S/M websites that can offer ways to safely induce affliction (that is without lowering your sperm count/causing permanent damage).

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Your gf is into S&M. No this is not run of the mill. She is a sexual deviant, but there are plenty of other people resembling her. Her behaviors are not going to change and if you don't get stale on that kind of stuff you are going to end up getting really tired of it. You should probably cut her loose and find somebody beside a normal sexual appitite and let her find somebody close to her.

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i wouldnt say mentally ill but she indubitably has a weird fetish and i probably wouldnt verbs to let her do that if you ever plan on having children because it can rationale you to become sterile. if you dont plan to have kids then by adjectives means keep it up!

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She have a pain fetish.

Honestly, though, you are kinda dumb for letting her stand on your testicles. I don't know of any man who purposely lets a woman hurt him at hand.those that do are a little crazy in my book.

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uhm... not this girl. distress is hott too a certain extent, but she can really mess up your "system" by doing that.. if you ever plan on having a child letting her do that stuff is not a moral idea

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I don't think that falls below any mental ilness catagory. But she definately has issues!!
I would see if she would be willing to step to counseling with you.
best of luck

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No, that is completely uncharacteristic.

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Both of you are mentally ill Kick boxing isn't for the bedroom


I dont think she have mental problems, she just gets turned on within really weird ways.

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sounds mental =|

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