When women enjoy uti, do you sometimes perceive embarassed contained by going to the doctor again and again?

i always pee after sex
my partner always uses condoms
i bath down there after sex with a mild cleanser
i wipe from front to vertebrae
but i still always get uti
doctors enjoy already examined me if theres something wrong internally but they couldnt find anything wrong ie no kidney stones etc
i have also already been on a 2 week course of antibiotics
i also drink 1000mg cranberry tablets everyday and try to drink as much hose down as possible
but nothing works i still get uti and seem like the only process to cure it and avoid uti is antibiotics.
does anyone else know anything to avoid getting uti especially after sex? and does anyone else feel like their doctors are not helping them as much as they should near recurrent uti and instead they just prescribe you antibiotics and in 5minutes your out of the doctors office, after spending an hour in the waiting room?

Vagina help out?

Well at the department I work at, when patients have recurrant uti's and we know they do, we can give them a prescription minus them having to come in. Ask your doctor if they will administer you meds w/o having to come in adjectives the time...

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I have the same item, well mine developed I guess because I left it for utter 5 days. I still pee and it hurts but considerably less... but the pains in my rear, lower abdomen and kidney area become unbearable for me and I read up on the internet that you could get problems near your kidney if you just leave it be.

I own antibiotics now, some with a funny nickname, I'm not sure if it's just where I turn to but I asked for an urgent appointment and the doctor just rang me up asking what be wrong, she confirmed there on the phone that it was an Urinary (UTI) infection and that she would prescribe me some antibiotics and of late to pick the prescription up from the desk.

I totally understand where you're coming from though I'm 16 but close to anything like that seems similar to god you cant tell mum or dad that because they'll totally think it's a STI or pregnancy (by the opening its neither)

Go down to the doctors before it gets worse you can be in motion on your own or with a friend, trust me I don't even think they'll do a exam its just a case of taking tablets. I've only taken one at the moment and I feel abundantly better.

Also I HATE water, it makes me touch like throwing up, and I drink waaay too much coke so I guess I'm trying to cut out the crap... I heard cranberry liquid as well as the tablets help by close to reducing the acid or whatever so if the antibiotics don't work I'll make a contribution them a shot. Please don't worry about it though, it freaking worried me to release because you can if you leave it get horrible kidney pains and it make you feel like continue a minute what if I need to go to hospital?

Better safe and sound than sorry, just ring your doctors up and schedule and urgent appointment. Loads of girls/women and even guys (though not so much: lucky god damn gits) progress through this so the embarrassment factor will soon go, plus you may find out if you did resolve to talk to your mum that she got this since aswell...

I really obligation to pee!! give support to!! ASAP!?

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