
my friend is getting pains in her right side just below her pendix and her lower pay for area,she says its approaching as if somthing is pulling at her side or somting its so bad she cant bend down to get things.her doctor give her medication but it doesnt seem to be helping.does anyone have any hypothesis what this could be!?!:D

Is it true that..?

it could be a kidney infection of gallstones tell her to go spinal column to get a x-ray or catscan so they can see if she might have gallstones of a kidney infection ...etc

Has anyone have indisputable results from using the gazelle point?

Could be Appendicitis which is tremendously serious but if her doctor isn't too concerned then I'm supposing its not that but if the pain is getting much worse she will hold to go to the hospital to get checked out forthwith, as sometimes initially a doctor may only diagnose it as stomach cramp or Irritable Bowel Syndrome when actually its Appendicitis, but she mustn't hysterics as i've had terrible pains surrounded by the past, feels similar to a really really bad stitch/cramp and it has passed after i've lied down for a while and taken a rest, it might be IBS but you can never be too particular so she should see a doctor again especially if the pain isn't easing up at all and a short time ago getting worse, good luck!

Please i dream up im dieing?

If the pain is arround the appendix, did they scan her for appendicitis? It can manifest itself surrounded by the lower back too. She she go put money on and ask for a CT scan to be sure. Good luck!

Has anyone have the result of frequent urination after drinking green tea?

she might be pregnant;...

This is really degrading but. how can i fix this?

Well didn't she ask the doctor what it was ! he must have an model if he gave her some medication !
Was it antibiotics he gave her ?

What is the healthiest course for contraception??

Goodness. Apply cold pewter to the wound, and if near is a full moon tonight you MUST check that there are no toads under the bed.

Is it true that wearing a bra to bed can formulate your boobs not grown as vigorous?


Hope not, but it could be.
No, seriously - I'd voice go back to the Docs as soon as poss :)
Take exactness you, Lulu x

What should i do?!!??!!?


I'm 12 years frail and im 105-110 and im give or take a few 4'11! do i call for to loose substance?

see a doctor!

Copper IUD's and HPV?

it could be a water infection...just take them to drink plenty of water..

What is this this lump I enjoy on my bikini procession!?!?!?

Go to the E.R!!

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