Is it wierd to hav a 2 daytime interval on the pill?

i took two brown pills and it didn't come but then i got it on the third morning. i usually have a 4 day - 5 light of day peirod. does stress affect the way your period comes on the pill? cuz i be doing a play that took alot of time and gave me alot of stress.

Diarreah and time of year? =[?

First, stress has pretty big influence at the menstrual cycle
Second, pills are suppressing hormones and the duration of the menstruation can be reduced.
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Im on the pill seasonale. even tho you started the borwn pills itll take a few days for the hormones from before to totally move out of your system. According to my pills the brown ones arent anything simply pretty much sugar pills so that you dont get out of th routine and taking those are more for the lack of hormone.. once your body weens out the hormones from the regular pills after your period starts. Then mine usually lessens at a snail`s pace until i start the next month and then it totally stops so if you give somebody a lift into the effect the period after the brown pills then your term could end up only anyone a few days

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Stress affects it, sometimes if your so stressed you won't even have a period.

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Not odd at all. Mine are anywhere from 2-4 days and I am on the pill.

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