Home test? How can you describe the difference between breast cancer and a cyst?

About 10 years or so ago I went to the doctor because my breasts were tender near little bumps under the skin. The doctor said they were cyst. He told me to stop consuming caffeine. So I did, and they go away. About 6 years ago I had implants put contained by. And about 2 years ago started having anguish in my right breast. I went to the doctor and they didn't find anything. In the anticipate time I got on this Starbucks coffee kick and I don't know if the caffeine is cause this, but my right breast has been sore very soon for 2 months on the right side. I now have bump the size of a penny on it as in good health. So I have stopped consuming caffeine again now for in the order of 4 days. However the pain is increasing and the bump is getting bigger. It feels similar to someone is stabbing my breast. I don't have medical insurance either, I hold no money, and I am scared and do not know what to do, any suggestions?

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It is near impossible to determine if a lump is benign or malignant by surface only. And both cancers and cysts can grow, but a cancerous lump will not find smaller. You need to be evaluated by medical professionals.

Call your State Department of Health (number in your phone book). Every state presently has a Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This program offers screening to qualify women unable to pay for it themselves. Although these programs are mostly set up for women who have no symptoms, they should be able to impart you some information regarding other programs, which can help you. Best wishes..

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merely and best advice I can give is capture to the doctors. I'm not a doctor. I don't think cysts grow.

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