I'm 12 days slowly, should i purely make a contribution up on it?

i've been waiting for my period to come..
but its not. no sign of it any. should i just give up on waiting? usually i wear pads or something around the time its suppose to come just so i don't enjoy an accident. this is getting ridiculous though. i'm wasting so many of them. should i merely give up on it?

PS. i have NEVER skipped a length since i had it. (4 years)
whats up with this?

I enjoy my length every other week what is near this?

Have you started any clean medications? That could have like mad to do with it. If you know you haven't had sex surrounded by a while I would just go to your doctor. I wouldn't make a contribution up on it tho. Wear panty liners they usually come with greatly more in a package and it doesnt get the impression like you are wearing a diaper. I would just label an appointment with your doctor and see if there is anything you can do to find out whats wrong. Other than that I wouldnt guess there is anything wrong sometimes it just happen.

Im a girl of 23 and purely own no sex drive anymore !! why is this and anything i can do ? its so unusual ! i f

Uhg, I HATE when that happens! I suggest you wear those daily, undernourished pantyliners and carry around regular pads, basically in case it decide to come along.

Mirena birth control?

Hey, I normally do that too. And surprisingly I'm late this month too possibly a week or so. and I haven't had sex or anything. strange :\

Same size clothing no situation my counterweight?

Have to ask...

Are you sexually active ?

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  • Vaginal problems.?
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