Girls entail backing?

hey im a 16 year old lad and to be honest im hopless with flirting and the like,is there any signs i could look out for when talking to women to see if in that interested...?

My cycles are getting closer and closer together and i don't know why does anybody know??

Most girls like a funny guy, but don't make yourself look approaching a fool! And when most girls are interested they laugh a lot. So try conversation to the girl you like and try to make her guffaw it may end up she likes you too.

I hold lots of friends next to bigger boobs than i do and i discern similar to anoutcast. How can i grasp bigger ones?

Body Language...

Watch that.

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Just be yourself. Every girl like a funny guy -especially me. So go up and talk to someone you close to. Don't try to be someone you're not.

Only females answer please, rather personal. Bit apprehensive roughly speaking asking this cross-examine.?

If a girl likes you she will be playful, always wanting to be around you and stuff similar to that

Some immature girls tend to hit people they resembling.

PS! she will laugh wierdly lol

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If she is twirling her hair or giggle a lot then she most plausible is into u. Just be yourself. Don't act like someone that your not, a moment ago to empress a girl. She will catch on eventually.

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