Should I run Depo Provera anymore?

I have been on Depo Provera for almost 2.5 years immediately. I have been looking at a few posts, and hold heard horror stories. Should I stay on the shot - it is great not having a time anymore. I have had roughly speaking a 35 lbs weight gain, but I also went to college ending year, so the freshman 15 could have been a factor. I enjoy had some emotional problems, but nil too severe. If I do get off of it, what do I hold to look forward to symptoms wise.

Please help! My subsequent shot is scheduled for May, and I don't know if I should get it.

I started my period contained by Febuary this year, but i still haven't told my mum, how do i relate her!?!?!?

You should speech to your doctor, but honestly, I am not a big fan of that. Its a natural progression for a woman's body to regulate respectively month. It doesn't seem normal for a woman to not hold her period each month. A woman's body is designed to regulate each month, so preventing it from regulating may cause problems down the road. I would of late talk with your doctor. I know have a period every month sucks, but all of us women buy and sell with it.

What effects within hormones if women are sexless for years?

I was on depo for 7 years (no doctor ever told me it wasn't a honest idea) I have had mild but constant anxiety attacks for most of that time and solely now I'm off depo enjoy I realised the depo caused them. Also I came sour depo coz I was trying to conceive and its been 16 months since my concluding shot and I only got my length back 4months ago and they've been awfully irregular. I've also heard it can reduce bone density after a couple of years. Anyhow thats only my story everyones different

Irregular monthly?

I took it for 2 different terms. My doctor said I should only rob it for 2 years at a time, so I took it for 2 years, then went on birth control pills for 2 years, next took depo again for 2 more years. by then, I was in position to get pregnant. My doctor told me I needed to be off the shot for give or take a few 6 months before getting pregnant. after the 6 month term I get pregnant on the first try. Then, 2 years later, I got pregnant again, impressively first time I tried. So I didnt have any long-term effects. That was 10 years ago.

Sex position question-mature answers singular please.preferably women answer!!?

I hear you... I gain 35 on Depo also (along with lots of other unpleasant side effects.) Yikes! It was nice not have my period, but at what cost??

But you've already given yourself the best advice - if you aren't sure you should do something, you aren't prepared to do it.

Should I filch the Plan B emergency pill I might be pregnant?

All pharmaceutical drugs cause sickness and disease. There are absolutely NONE that cure any sickness or disease. Doctors and drug maker do not want you well. There is no money in it for them. ALL drugs hold side effects that only get worse. There are pure cures for everything.

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GET OFF OF IT ASAP! Depo is the worst thing you could ever do to your body. It can cause you not to attain pregnant later on.

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I involve a girls sustain this is seruios!?
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