I give somebody a lift Adderall RX, which make me lose my appetite, would getting on birth control give support to me regain it?
I take 30Mg of Adderall XR every day as prescribed by my doctor, but it completely ruins my appetite. Quiting taking Adderall merely isn't a choice, when I don't take it I can't focus at all, and I draw from really annoyed, and upset. I spent half of the semester off medication, for financial reason, and it totally destroyed my grades. I've heard that going on the birth control pill can give you a bigger appetite. I'm seventeen, so here would be a few extra benefits to being on the pill(Clearing up my face, lighter period, extra protection in the unlikely chance that something sexual happen, ect.)
Do you think it would help?
Do you meditate it would be a good idea?
Last time I weigh myself, which was the day I started final on Adderall, I weighed about 96 pounds, and I'm pretty sure I'm lighter presently, so I'm rather scared.
Answers: I started blackish/brown discharge 7 days ago, it have tappered rotten, but no interval. Pregnancy audition denial.?
Try the pill, it can't hurt. However, I doubt it will work because the Adderall uses a different Mechanism of Action than the birth control. But, if you call for it. Try it.
I have a colcoscopy, smear and 4 biopsy sample taken from my cervix end Wednesday and ever since I hold?
smoke a fattie, seriously.
pot addicting? hahahahahahaha!
that is the funniest thing i ever hear!
Can semen live outside of the body for a week... later somehow fashion a woman pregnant after the week if it get?
Talk to your Doctor - Your Doctor is the mos qualified person to answer this for you.
I've have a discharge for more than a year and a partly? Is that ordinary? Does that imply I'm going to return with my perio
PCOS please assistance purely found out?
I'm 14 and i get my term surrounded by demo (not first time!) and very soon it's april and I don't hold it! whats going on!?
Keeping track of your length?My girlfriend have not have her spell within 2 months but we havnt have sex even so and she hasnt have sex for a year.?
Any one else experience this while on Ortho Tricyclen lo?