PCOS please aid only found out?

I just found a week ago that i have PCOS and i've be trying to get pregnant for 2 years now and they put me on Metformin and it make me feel like crap adjectives day long. I have headache all day and stomach ache and nausea.. Does it ever go away ? What are my chances of conceiving if i own PCOS? I feel really upset about it.. I don't know what else to do. Please relieve me ..


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Yes your body eventually adjusts to Metformin. I had bathroom issues within the beginning too. It's best to start with a smaller dose (1/2 pill) later work your way up to the full dosage (ask your doctor).

Personally, I tried to get pregnant for 2 years back being diagnosed with PCOS. I started Metformin and followed a low sugar diet, and surrounded by four months I lost twenty pounds. I still was not ovulating, so I tried a round of Clomid and got pregnant on the first try. PCOS women's ovulation usually responds very well to metformin and clomid. (But be prepared I think the side effects of clomid are worse then metformin.)
Good luck and don't bestow up hope!

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Give the Metformin a chance. It took me around a month to get used to it, and in a minute I could not live without it. I finally have ordinary periods, and have lowered my average solidity by about twelve pounds. As for infertility, unfortunately it's extremely adjectives in PCOS. The reality is that you may never finish a successful pregnancy. I have been unofficially ttc since 2005. Some women I know are still not pregnant after a decade.

The "odds" depend on your specific circumstances. Plenty of women find ways to conceive, but plenty of women don't. I suggest you check out: www.soulcysters.web. It's a great PCOS website where you can meet other women beside the condition, ask questions, receive feedback, etc.

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Yes it does go away. Some woman enjoy had great success beside taking Metformin and conceiving. However, you will need to be patient for the medication to start doing it's living, it doesn't happen over night.

Keep your chin up!

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