I have a colcoscopy, smear and 4 biopsy sample taken from my cervix later Wednesday and ever since I maintain?

getting really bad shooting pains in the middles of my sides and painful pains in my lower abdomen. Is this commonplace after such procedures or should I be consulting my Dr

Any opinion on tubal ligation?

The cervix always looks a mess after colposcopy, and it can be uncomfortable, though it usually heal well after a couple of weeks. There is however a lot of shabby tissue about and infection is always possible, it would do no wound to get it checked.

Deoderant relieve. Whats the best munificent for extra prespiration?

Love to be hosent you lost me on the first big word however any health doubts and you should be in motion str8 to see them! I can't stress that enough. I had constipation(ewww i know!) and i put stale going to see the docter however it turned out to be appendicitis and if i had left it another 2 days i could enjoy die!

SHARP discomfort - moved out side?

you should at least call the bureau and tell them what you are experiencing and see if it is normal or not.

My length is really unpaid...?

may be that they moved something around should be ok distribute it a couple of days if no better get to docs

My wife will complete 6 months on 20th May,2008. We would similar to to travel to Cochin. Air travel is advisable.?

still no time of year? ?
If a personality is 44 and is 170 pounds and requirements to lose immensity utter give or take a few 30 ibs , next to weights .?
Which of the following is TRUE in connection with Birth Control Pills (BCP's)?Is it?
  • What birth control did you bring back?
  • Whats a proper weightiness?

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