I freshly inserted the Nuvaring (first time on BC surrounded by 8 years) 4 days ago and don't similar to it. Can i steal it out?

I know you have to keep it contained by for 3 weeks then out 1 week then a clean ring.. but if i feel strange on it: moody, discharge, crying, abdominal discomfort, coughing, etc and just dont want extra hormones within my body... can i just take it out on hours of daylight 4 and not have to worry that my vivacity will be hell? OR should I just wait till after week 3 and next never insert a new one? my side effects are not bad adequate to quit yet. i can deal beside the slight depression, etc but i just think I'm fundamentally against unneeded hormones. So... lift out or wait? thanks.

Answers:    It's up to you. Taking it out will not create any serious medical complications whatsoever, if that's your primary concern. You can other wait a few days to see if your body adjusts, or you can lift it out now. It just depends on how comfortable beside that you are.

It sounds to me like you may just not ever be completely comfortable next to hormonal BC, and there's nothing wrong with that. You can other try an IUD, have your partner get a vasectomy if that's an likelihood, or just stick to condoms... they've always be effective for me as long as they're used properly. There's also the chance that a lower dosage pill would work better for you - the Nuvaring is significantly stronger than the lighter dose BC pills.

Because I've have the same bad aversion to hormonal BC myself, I would also consider investigating whether or not you may have some underlying depression that is only just being worsened by the hormones. If that's the case, you could try treatment for that first, and afterwards see if you react better to hormones..
I am also on the nuvaring and i like it- I don't own any of those side affects except maybe a little discharge. You can lug it out now, but you will probably start to bleed because the hormones in the bc stop you term and you can really put it on your own schedule. You could just linger the 3 weeks and have you period on programme or take it out now and risk have you period for 2 1/2 more weeks. I think you would know how to take it out. I don't think there's a postive rule that you can't help yourself to it out, I mean some people next to bad enough side effects hold to. So go ahead and take it out. You could other call your Gyn or Gp though and ask their opinoin first. (:.
I think you will be fine to run it out, it may cause you to start your period untimely or start spotting though. The decision is completely up to you, maybe keep hold of it in until your next term and see what happens, you might just be experienceing a moment or two more stress in your daily rota than you normally do, its hard to narrate just after 4 days if its actually because of the BC. As for the discharge, that is to say supposed to happen its part of Nuva Ring's defense device to prevent pregnancy. It happens to everyone on Nuva Ring.

You can take it out at any time. Your term should still come when it was scheduled to. Once the ring is out for a unharmed hour you cannot try to use it again, and if you change your mind and want to try it again within the 3 week extent put a new one in. Once inserted surrounded by the middle of a cycle and not right after your period, Nuva Ring will start working one week later and not instantly resembling it would if you inserted it right after your period.

I have be using it for a year and a half and never had any problems, it cleared my skin and im not moody. Regardless, anykind of BC can effect everyone differently.

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