I newly get my first time of year HELP!!

Today I just got my first spell its pretty heavy and I really need pad i want to tell my mom but I don't know how to, please tell me what I should do for cramps, period, and how to tell my mom!! Plz plz HELP ME!!

Answers:    Calm down, what your feeling is average. But you need to tell your mom right away. For immediately, but a bunch of tp in your underwear if you cant find a pad.

Well, around telling your mother, it's a tricky thing, but you hold to. I was so scared to enlighten my mom, i considered. not telling her. BAD IDEA. She has probably be expecting this, and i promise she won't get mad. If it help, you can whisper it to her. That's what i did. I went up to her and i have this look on my face (purposly) so she had to ask, what's wrong? Then i whispered to her..i have an idea that i just got my length. And she gave me a hug and almost cried. It was embarrasing, but it will be fine.

For cramps, ask your mom for Midol or Pamprin, or merely take some alieve, tylonal, motrin, ibueprofin, or advil. You can even put a hot pad on your lower abdomin if it really hurts. And sitting around surrounded by bed all day won't support either. It will actually net you feel worse. Getting excercise helps alot. (Gets your mind rotten of it)

And i would suggest Always pads, and Tampax Pearl tampons to start off next to :) Good luck and tell your mom right away. And if you need anything or stipulation to chat, just email me at susiecaster(a)yahoo.com I'm free to talk whenever!

Well first of adjectives... To tell your mom just sit her down or you could write it down and dispense it to her. Just say like "Mom I get my period" That's what I said and everything was fine She's going to understand exactly what your going through, and she can support you.

But for cramps just basically you can lug ibuprofen, advil, any over-the-counter pain killer. Or you can appropriate some rice (not instant) and fill it in a long sock, and put it surrounded by the microwave for about 1 minute, and wrap it in a foot towel and put it on your stomach where it hurts. The heat calm down your muscles. You can use that if you don't have a heating wad or a hot water bottle.

I'd stick to pads for the first few times, next once you get used to it you can switch to tampons. (Tampax Pearl-Plastic is the best in my opinion).

Good Luck Girl!! Email me if you enjoy any other questions.

congrats! try to relax , for cramps you can use heating pad and stretching helps me also! if you don't have pad then you can temporaly use alot of toilet paper! if u don t touch comfortable talking to your mom and telling her more or less your first period! then try writing a memorandum to her telling her that you started you first period and if you can buy some pad for me please! and put the letter in a place be only she would look! such as a drawer ! well appropriate luck ! hope this helps! :) Its okay to tell your mom. I am 12 and i be really nervous to tell my mom but i did and everything be better. Your mom can help you. Don't worry. Don't be mortified. It happens to every lady. Just lug your mom to the side and talk to your mom privately. Trust me it will be better if you tell your mom because she will support you when you need it..
Hi there :D I be 11 when I got mine and I know it's completely frightening. Your mum is definitely the best human being to confide in. She's been through it adjectives before herself y'know and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to run to the store and get some things for you if you're embarrassed to budge alone.

If you find you're suffering from cramps, a few painkillers and a hot water bottle resting on your lower belly will help relaxation things..
aw just tell her(:
i started mine while i be in dance.
pretty shameful.
but, i texting my mom and told her.
she said she wishes it happened at home cause its a special moment and she looked-for me to tell her in individual.
and she went through all this proverb im happy for you your becoming a woman. so just convey her(: its embarrassing but she'll be happy.
she go through it too.
she'll know what your going though.
so dont worry it'll be fine.

and as for cramps.. tylenol, advil..
well first you should enjoy pads at home. Put one in your panties right presently. I started mine about a week ago and i was soo terrify and nervous to tell her but I finally told her and she rsaid really you know your a women immediately and stuff. It is important to tell oyur mom though. She isnt going to procure you in trouble but it is scary. When I told my mom she practicly told the undamaged world so when u tell your mom say and could you please not relay anyone. Good luck and congrats haha.xoxo its not so bad! your mom will understand i promise. freshly come out and say it to her, i mean theres not really a right road to say it, shes a woman she will understand your insecurities something like it cus shes been there b4! as for cramps, run an aleve and just rest, do some streching, and just chill. you will be a short time ago fine. the first time is always a lil scary for adjectives im sure, mine was! but you will get through it a short time ago fine.

aww, this is scary, but your mom has probably be waiting for the day for this to happen for you.
so jsut enlighten her, dont be embarassed, just say hey mom, i construe we need to get me some pad, i jsut got my period.!
i remember when i first get mine, my mom was happy for me. .
my mom isnt the open-handed of person i tell things to. butull be surprised on how its gonna be a small promise. wen i started me period she chuckled and sed not again. becuz i have an elder sister and she went through that 2.shes not gunna freak out. show wont be sad any. its just ur period. detail her and get it over with trust me I never told my mum cuz she would hold told the whole world lol and made a big deal roughly speaking it. You do need to get a wad or tampon...tell her if you feel comfortable. Or, a short time ago go and grab one from where on earth she keeps hers and tell her once youve sorted yourself out. Take a analgesic and use a hot water bottle for cramps. xxxxxxxx.
Its OK... Just tell your mom you started your length and need some pads. She will find them for you. This is a great time for moms & daughters to talk (even thou you may be embarressed)... Your mom loves you... For cramps, you can take a Tylenol or Advil. very well first of all everyone gets at hand period its natural. and second if your worried try writing your mom a note saying "mom i get my first period can you pick up some pads for me" and that should solve it hoppe i help.
tell ur mom..what i did was that i told my mom "surprise! I'm and elder girl" and she knew right away. i was singular 10... now I'm 14 and i advise u. GO TELL UR MOM cuz its gonna carry UGLY! for ur own sake. and go buy Pamprin, there the best pills within the world for that.. you could ask her for a pad she probably has some thats recounting her and getting what you need at the same time. i pinch midol when i have cramps. good luck. :)

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