Should I be worried? Irregular Periods...

I'm 16 and have been have my periods since the age of 11. During this time, my periods hold been very irregular and sometimes hugely heavy and sometimes light. This have not improved and sometimes the gaps contained by between can last from 1 to 3/4 months. I am usually on for a week to two, but more recently smaller quantity than a week or even two days. They used to be really heavy but have become significantly lighter. My mother is booking me an appointment for the doctor's, should I be worried roughly speaking infertility?

Answers:    every girl has irregular cycles, my cousin is just close to you, her cycles are very weird and irregular. she's be to the doctor, but they say she's good. see a doctor in recent times in case. .
age 11 is typical. i did'nt start til i be 16. sounds normal to me. i have skipped around similar to that before. i went to the doctor because my period are very painful but the doctor said everyone is different. nono, dont be worried, its fine.^.^

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