Has any women experienced this until that time?

I love to make my girlfriend *** plenty of times with oral sex and after have full blown orgasms when we initiate sex to the point where she can't filch it anymore and I am still rock hard and ready. After a full blown orgasm she go into bliss and starts shaking and her vagina is done for the night. She never stops talking around it and tells all her friends how great the sex is from me.

Answers:    We're not bragging much are we? what you hold described is the whole point to sex it is the end reward. Or did you really believe we women do it for the free dinners LOL I have to say kudos to you for putting her pleasure first that really is the switch to being a good lover. So oodles men are worried about their own orgasm they don't care weather or not the woman even have one so yay to to for caring enough to hold rotten until she is done :) hope I helped :) .

Male presumptions apart, I think you both are greatly young and inexperienced. Many women shake after the orgasm, especially if they were too much excited earlier it, and the clitoris stays very sensible for about some hours, so the lighter touch seem almost painful.

Congratulations if you have a right erection, but that isn't all for a good sex. Now you hold to work in depurating and perfectioning your sexual techniques. Remember to use a condom to prevent sexual diseases!.
You are SUCH A LIAR! did you dream that? You request for information should go more like this:
Has any women experienced this earlier?

I have premature ejaculation, and I can't please my gf, she tells adjectives her friends I'm no good, and I don't know what to do.

Now don't you feel better recitation the truth?

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