I haven't have a spell surrounded by 1 year. I've never have sex so there's no style i could be pregnant. Any perception why?


My 12 yr older son be playing near his penis what should i do in the order of my spouse moved out me 3yr ago?

i'd look into pcos and see if you have any of the common symptoms.

pap smears aren't impossible at all. it's done and over in a issue of 3 seconds if that. it's just a short time discomfort that's over before you can ever describe it.

don't let a pap smear stand contained by your way of your health. going short a period isn't healthy and can head to problems in the future.

find a doctor you are comfortable beside, it makes all the difference!

angelic luck!

Is this a stress or menstrual-related headache?

You didn't state your age, but I don't think it really matters. My first thought is it may be your birth control if you are using it to regulate your period, it could be the cause. My next thought is are you extremely athletic because closely of women/girls who exercise a lot, are involved in extreme sports, runners, gymnasts etc, can and do grasp whats called dysmennorhea, in english it money you stop having a period. My proposal is to check with your doctor just take home sure nothing else is going on.

Should I be worried?? :/?

I definitely have a sneaking suspicion that you need to get to the bottom of this. Do not be afraid of a pap smear. I know it seem scary since you've never had anything up surrounded by there, but it shouldn't hurt and it is definitely worth it to numeral out what is going on. Personally I don't know what to think. You can't have an STD and if you have an infection there would probably be other symptoms of pain and irritation or a foul smelling discharge. I don't own an answer for you, but I don't think you should be afraid to get it checked out. I own had several pap smears done - it's nothing to verbs about.

Bloody show and 28 hours after that...?

GO TO THE DOCTOR! that is not ordinary. NOT normal sorry don't mean to upset you but I mean there are a million reason to why you have not had your term in so long.

Please answer my question- get no answers beforehand. (About excessive sweating)?

visit your ob gyne..i also enjoy an irregular period and was diagnosed beside pcos. 1 year is long enough for not having a spell

Are in attendance really exercises that make chest/breast bigger?

Thyroid , Being too large or too small for your frame size. Are you young and involved , sometimes girls that play alot of sports stop having there period because there bodies are building muscle . Good luck :) See your GP

My Grandma?

chemical imbalance. not drinking right. go to your doctor to find out why. they may do a blood test.

Please no distasteful or judgemental answers. This is a serious "woman" ask?

If you own had weight loss explicitly a side effect.

What are the probability?

ask your dr about pcos

I contemplate I enjoy a torn perineum... How do I know and what do I do?

were you born as a woman? if theres your answer

Advice please i requirement advive?

It is NOT a bad idea to capture a pap smear..It's very very unforced, quick, and it tells them seriously that may give answers to what is going on. As soon as you begin getting period, you can get a pap smear. They can test so much by doing this. conducting tests for cancer, infections, and other problems.

Also, are you very active at academy...in water polo, swim troop, over active in sports? That can stop a spell from happening. It happened to my middle daughter. It's adjectives for that to happen to VERY active girls surrounded by swimming and other sports.

Also, a blood test will help to find any irregularities.enemia, low blood pressure..also, lipid panel can tell a lot, elevated cholesterol, etc.

This can also be related to STRESS. Seeing a doctor and going by their suggestions would be most wise right now.

Have any women used diapers during here spell?

How do I explain to my brother what "SEX" is?
10 points and few stars woman individual minister to me please?
Could I be pregnant?
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