Advice please i inevitability advive?
A personal sound out something like period. plz answer.?
This is pretty majority for birth control of sort...I was in your same situation and tried everything to restore it. I switched pills a couple times and give up, the libido was just not coming fund. I then found a natural herbal enhancer to be exact supposed to increase your sex drive and a couple other things. It's called Hersolution gel, read up about it at where on earth I saved on it at the time. However it's like an instant libido rush and as I kept using it my sex drive be through the roof and continues to be. The sensation blast is great too, I can't tell you how many times I've have multiple orgasms when before I couldn't even get a single one. Theres also regular capsules/pills that I've hear are better. I was skeptical at first but the return policy was so great that the company be offer. From what I remember you had to try it out for a couple months but next you had time afterwards to return it for a full money back if it didn't work. I didn't hold that problem as you can see. Well good luck and I hope this helps.Feminine comfort (girls only)?
I hear you girl I be on shot also and for some reason my sex drive was not in that...and I gained lots of weight...I stopped taking that shot and lost mass felt lighter weird I know...but it make you feel heavy adjectives over...I think you should use a condom as soon as you all enjoy sex dont risk it. or there are other things you can do to relieve each others requests :)
My man got vasectomy done and we dont worry bout oops anymore...truly sex is much better now hes had it done...
I win little bleeding today? Why?
If you stop taking b/c pills for a month next start again...You get pill withdrawl symtoms as well as the usual symptoms while man on the pill..At The Same Time.Just happened to me... I went bad then back on the pill and I get my period for a week...then I spotted for 3 weeks...Then get my period for a week..
Take a low hormone pill or if you really don't want to then be sure to use condoms.
Congrats on the newborn*
Is it common to own your interval and it flows non stop?
You stipulation to use condoms for as long as you are having sex without other methods of birth control. Are you breastfeeding? That can give a hand to lose the weight. I hope you get your sex drive put a bet on cause it does stress out the husbands.What are some ways to luxury debiliatating menstural cramps in need the use of tablets?
May 1st is pretty close. I would start using condoms again now. No subsequent then May 1st though unless you are planning on going on the pill or some other form of hormonal contraception.I stopped taking the shot in August, and be the same as you. I gained 20lbs and lost my sex drive amongst other problems. It take a while for your hormones to level out again, but I'm now pretty much hindmost to normal. My sex drive is completely back and my fiance is wondering what's wrong beside me. lol, I did a complete 180.
Personally, I'm not going on any type of hormonal birth control ever again. It just causes too frequent problems for me.
But, for you, if you don't want the pill or something like that and aren't comfortable just using condoms, consequently you should look into getting a diaphragm or something of that sort.
Question more or less tubal pregnancy. Serious answers please.?
Cysts contained by breast?
On clomid, get pink discharge and no spell?
Anal sex?