Are at hand really exercises that make chest/breast bigger?

There are lots of exercise equipment sold on TV Shopping Channels. I just wonder if they are effective. Do exercises minister to in increasing bust/chest size? Or does eating more protein food or fatty food support as well?

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Every woman wants to own great breasts. Here’s a quick anatomy lesson. Your breasts are actually made up of fatty tissue, so their size depends upon how much stout you tend to store there, which calls surrounded by factors like your inheritance, your weight, your health and your age. The muscles that reside directly underneath your breast are call the pectorals. They are partly responsible for the ‘perkiness’ of your breasts.
So to answer your question: No, you can't do anything just about the size of your breasts (short of gaining weight or have surgery.) However, you can make them appear bigger, firmer and more shapely by developing your pectoral, or chest, muscles

The Modified push up

Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, and cross your ankles. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor just to the side and surrounded by front of your shoulders. Straighten your arms and lift your body so you're balanced on your palms and knees. Tuck your chin a few inches toward your chest so your forehead face the floor. Tighten your abdominals.
Bend your elbows and lower your entire body in one motion. Rather than trying to touch your chest to the floor, lower yourself only until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push posterior up. Don't lock your elbows at the top of the move and don't do the dreaded ‘head bob’ (when you dip your head toward the floor without moving any other fragment of your body).

Soup tin press

Lie on your back with your foot flat on the floor and a tin of soup or a dumbbell in each appendage. Make sure the soup tins are of equal weight. Push the soup tins up so your arms are directly over your shoulders and your palms face away from you. Pull your abdominals surrounded by but don't jam your back into the floor or consent to it arch upwards. Tilt your chin in toward your chest.
Lower the tins of soup down and a little to the side until your arms create a 90 degree angle and your elbows lightly touch the floor. Push the weights backbone up, taking care not to lock your elbows or allow your shoulder blades to rise off the floor.

Incline fly

Lie on the floor beside your head, neck and upper posterior propped up against several large pillows. Hold a tin of soup or dumbbell in respectively hand and press the weights directly above your chest, palms facing each other. Tuck your chin to your chest to align your nouns with the rest of your spine, and maintain your organic back posture, which is neither arched nor flattened.
Spreading your arms apart so that your elbows travel down and to the sides, lower the weights until your elbows lightly touch the floor. Maintaining a constant bend contained by your elbows, lift the weights back up, imagine that you have a barrel lying on your chest and you own to reach your arms wide around it.

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For grill #1, the answer is no. The breasts themselves will not 'get bigger' from exercise, however if you strengthen and tone the underlying support muscles, they will appear to be 'bigger' (actually they will be held up better).

As for question #2. IF you consume lots of fatty foods, yes, it is very promising your breasts will increase in size. However, your thighs, buttocks. spare tire, and upper arms will flab out as well. You will also deposit podginess around your internal organs and that isn't good.

(No protein foods increase breast size, either).

Sorry, you basically hold what genetics and mother nature have given you, unless you choose to go the implant route...and that have it's own problems and issues...

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I've looked every where and it seems that the answers you are getting are correct. Unfortunately, for us 'smaller' chested women nearby is no option. We either dawdle until pregnancy and hope that as we age our boobes get bigger or we get surgery. I myself would never catch surgery, it's very dangerous and can effect lots of damage so if you're considering it, it's NOT a good thought. Also, keep in mind that when you strive for bigger anything, you are one and only striving to please a world who looks for perfect and remember there is no such point. I hope you finally come to grips that everything on you is the way it should be. I know, being small chested isn't extremely lucky but there are millions of women out there beside small breasts dealing with the same problem. Find someone who loves you for who you already are and you won't own to worry about it. Good luck.

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excersize could give support to but it would be some muscle aswel which u would have to excersize regularly or it would turn all saggy on you so is it really worth it would you preserve up the excersize or not?? and eating protien foods could help build muscle or you could try consumption fatty foods but doing sit ups so not to put the weight on your stomach well you wud hold to do it for legs and bum too i dont even know if this would work for you it all depends on how much effort you put within! why do you want bigger boobs anyway you should be proud of your body no matter what!

Am i going to start soon?

Sometimes it can help if you build up muscle astern the boobs to make them appear larger.. but you also run the risk of having your boobs shrink as you are working out and your body will be burning flab. I know that my boobs shrink with weight loss and are larger when I gain bulk. But it is different for all women.
The only guaranteed track for breast enhancement is surgery.. sorry.

What could this be?

Sorry to say but there's no exercise, food or supplement on the planet that will fashion any difference whatsoever.

The only way - short of surgery - to increase breast size is to find pregnant and have a baby.

PeROId? facilitate?

You can do chest exercises to increase the size of the muscles below your breasts, but it won't increase the fullness/roundness of your breasts.

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No. what they do is strengthen the muscles that underlie the breast, so it gives the illusion of size, but no actual bust increase


nearby is no exercise that will increase the size of your breasts, but you can build up the underlying muscles to make them look bigger.

Calling to adjectives females out here, whom hate nearby length?

there is no opening but gain weight which you can not target to your boobs =/ if you lose weight youll probably carry smaller boobs though so dont excersize too much!

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Why do you want your boobs to look bigger? I dont think they really work, i think its merely a gene thing!

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