I assume i hold OCD?

i am a almost 14 1/2 year old girl, and i ALWAYS since i was youthful have had admirer outbreaks that lasted from hours to as long as years, one example is that when i was really babyish (about maybe 6) i wanted to own grass planted in my room, and i would go to hardware stores and look at sod and determine my room for grass, just last year this long-term fixation stopped, and was replaced by an obsession to put built an indoor pond contained by my room, on the second floor, after that it was fish obsession, (i usually(almost always) enjoy more than one obsession at once) then computer fascination, romania obsession, coin obsession, Akcent thing, shrimp obsession, (some retarded obsessions im not gonna mention) and so on. i own mild ADD, it was extremely severe in bafore&around level 5, but now its better. i also Have some un explanatory actions I do, resembling wearing different coloured socks on Mondays, and eating raw cheese even if I repugnance raw cheese, carving nails, cleaning my fish container like a maniac ever week, wanting piranhas really badly, making sure my room is messy, NEEDING some things contained by a specific order, position, way, or look, and individual obsessed to make it the path I want it if its not, disliking unexpected changes lacking my consent, believing that “do it yourself if you want it done right, period.” I also DO have some form of depression, most feasible caused by this behaviour, and I hold an eating disorder, do I have OCD? And exactly what IS OCD? Sorry for the long details, and thank you so muchJ

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capably ocd is were you have to do things, because your mind is describing you that you have to, but you dont have to, its a short time ago the way your mind is thinking, by the sound of it, where on earth you have said you have to hold things in certain directives etc, you have ocd ocd stands for obsessive compulsry disorder, and if you consume with something or someone you have it, some cases are tremendously serious but yours seems ok! there are certains ways you can return with over it, but noone can help you, its you, you have to facilitate yourself overcome it, i hope i helped ..x

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There is lots of diffrent ways of having OCD's i know that my younger brother have it he has to do the same things everyday and he cant not do them and its getting worse and worse to the point where on earth its taking him nearly 1.30 hours to actrualy relax in bed. everyone is diffrent know and i think you should turn to your local GP about it.

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OCD like ADD and ADHD is massively self and doctor over diagnosed. It's a pitfall when they don't really know what the problem is. You really of late sound like a strange kid, not really OCD. If you really construe that you have a problem, talk to your parents and stir see a doctor.

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thats not ocd ocd is when you are a nbeat freak hun hope i helped

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everyone has some form of OCD. i cant sleep unless my bed is set up the course i like it. i work at a retirement home, there is a resident at hand who has OCD, she carries around a piece of quality newspaper, and writes down the time, every 5 minutes.

she freaked out one day when the power in the place shut down, and here digital clock stopped, we have to basically drag her out of her room to get her to the nurses bureau, so we could get her to eat something.

so essentially what im trying to say is, everyone has OCD by hook or by crook, you are young, and just going through stages of your duration, trying to determine who you are going to be.

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First, I have to start with a request for information -- Why did you want grass planted in your room? That's funny.

Anyway, it sounds like you do own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Have you been to a psychologist to get formally tested for this? I own ADD myself, so I know how the whole process works. You can get on medication to control the OCD. I know the compulsiveness must be frustrating and tiring to you.

But remember, you're a really cool person -- even with OCD. But it can be controlled.

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OCD= enthusiast compulsive disorder but it can be loadsa tings really, its usually an obsession wiv somin but my frends been diagnosed wiv it because he alwayz worries, especially bout germs, it sorta sounds resembling youve got OCD but its nutin bad i spose, loads of ppl hav it, im not too sur who to c bout it but hav u asked counsel from ur parents? they sud b abl to help, plus u need to find watever eatin disorder/depression u hav sorted out, it cud b dat which started it all, maybe u cud c a counseller? i no my guidance is very vague but dnt verbs, OCD isnt dat bad and try to sort out ur depression n feel delighted =] n consult ur parents

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Ask your parents to take you to a therapist. You cannot diagnose yourself. It sounds resembling some of your actions are pure "normal teenager". An passion is an irrational thought; a compulsion is a an irrational behavior that is committed to cut anxiety. OCD is about anxiety, not depression..e.g. fear of germs, so constant paw washing..

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