How can i be smaller quantity moody?

people say that i hold mood swings and i no i do but i dont no how to stop them. is there a drug which can control my mood and make me grain happier?

Pain when have a miscarriage?

am not surprised your going through a bad time it's part of self a teenager you will have mood swings as your body varying from a girl into a woman but in your case it seem to runs deeper than that what with your parent going through a divorce and having your gcse exam coming up its best for you to bargain to someone maybe your GP who could fine someone to help you how just about talking to your parents you colud support each other Im sure their premonition as bad as you but trying to hide it for your sake or possibly a friend who may have gone through the same entity as yourself or thou time is a great healer as it puts thing into perspective don't feel desperate on how you feel you deserve support

I have a hysterectomy and I am starting to own Headaches. Could my headache be due to low on hormones?

Are you male or womanly? is there an underlying problem?where something from your departed has affected you or do you purely have a general short fuse? Atleast you know that you're had it and that you shouldn't be moody for no real reason. If it's zilch phychological, try a health food shop for some vitamins and remedies that are good for moods. If you're feminine, are you on the pill as that can have an impact on your moods also so you could change your pill? try a vigorous diet as whilst fatty foods taste nice to start with, they do release endophines, be aware of good hormones, but then they're over so hurriedly, so try eating healthy and that should form a difference x

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A good diet and exercise that would help. You would be better to discuss this beside your GP as there may be a cause for your moods swings. This requests investigating but really a good diet can help especially food rich surrounded by Omega 3.

Perhaps you need to find out what could be causing these moods swings is something bugging you that you cannot do anything more or less. There is a solution to everything.

Left foot more swollen afterwards right??

Go to your doctor, let him know everyone thats been stirring to you, he'll prescribe you something if you need it. But really, don't listen to anyone on here, they don't know anything about you. Your doctor will know whats best for you more than anyone on here.

What do you show thats my opening?

a drug can single cover it up
try NLP or CBT they are currently the best treatments in the world for controlling unwanted emotional practice

I own have bloody mucous stools for more or less 2 1/2 weeks..should I be worried?

DOnt go on any pills when you come off you'll be even more moody. plus you will probably own a lot of side effects on any kinda pill!!

My menstrual cycle is getting shorter respectively month, what is wrong?

dont use drugs/medicines etc
try exerciseing go on holiday
reflect about good entity listen to music
good luck

How is it possible to bet preg. during your length?

Chocolate works for me.. Drink lots of milk. If this doesn't work go see your doctor.

Help please...?

extacy!! luv it! lately beware the comedown hehehe

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