HELP!!Can I Be Preg!!?

I am not on any birth controll or anything and this past monday i had unprotected sex and he ejaculate in me and then on friday too.I be suppose to get my period the 19th and i get it a day after which was today the 20th.During the together week i had small cramps and i was tender around my breast.Now that i own my period does that mean that i am not preg??Because this have happened before and i still capture my period and i had gotten tested and i wasnt pre but is at hand a possibility that i can be.Help someone...Im worried.


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When a man puts his penis and ejaculates in you, near is ALWAYS a chance of being pregnant. GO revise some sex education

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Yes you could still be pregnant but not likely. Probably stressing to much cause your period to be a bit out of whack.

Your most fertile days are usually 10-14 days prior to your period. However you can achieve pregnant any time you have unprotected sex as well as ambush STD's. Sperm can live 72 hours in the body.

I would suggest get on a birth control if you are untrained to be a parent. Also the withdrawal method is not reliable because men have pre-*** which contain sperm.

I call for assistance!!?

You would enjoy to have had sex around the time of ovulation. Typically the cycle is 28 days next to ovulation on or around day 14.
if you had sex a week until that time your period, you are probably not pregnant unless you ovulated late ~ which is sporadic.
Its time to remember good birth controll, and learn almost your cycle. Keep track of it.
The "morning after pill" works within 72 hours of unprotected sex.
~ oh, and day one is considered your first afternoon of menstrual bleeding so ovulation generally takes place two weeks after your time of year begins.


I think that you are not but singular time can tell. I think that if you enjoy your period then you cannot be pregnant. You hold so thats good.If you missed it then you should be worried.I'm variety of in the same boat that you are right very soon. Its a scary feeling thinking you could be pregnant. Good luck. Chances are you are not. Next time I have a sneaking suspicion that you should thnk about using a would save you adjectives this worrying.

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Chances are your not pregnant. You are less likely to crash pregnant when due on your period & the fact that you have your period is a good sign that you arn't. If your still worried, try-out in about a week and a partly just to be sure. If you test in a minute, it may be too early to tell.

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My direction is that you visit a doctor and find out if you are pregnant or not and finally start on a birth control ,right now is the time to be responsable...plenty to have sex enough to be responsable almost a life that will depend on you and your partner as well this is call for birth parents...

Help me own sex?

pregnancy tests are sometimes not accurate...don't rely to much on them... honestly, on my first baby be 1 1/2 month pregnant i know i am pregnant but the tests tells us its suspicious. my husband wont believe me anymore bcs. before i always procure false alarms which makes him frustrated. i show symptoms that of a pregnant lady next i get my period...after 2nd and week we tried the question paper again then it went positive this time... if you be aware of that you are pregnant try consulting with your obgyne that will help you lessen your worries.

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Um you can and cant be.For me! I have to go to the bathroom a lot! IF you get the impression like you have to pee adjectives the time then you probably are bc that means your uteros(dont know how to spell) is pressing on the yeah..oh and if you feel really horny thats another sign..Just take another check in like a week and partially.

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there is the possibiity.even if u r pregnant u can still get ur first time of year, however it is usually lighter and last fewer days. i get my period still in the origination. the best way to know for sure is to do that pregnancy test. best luck to you! :)

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If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Shoot surrounded by me once, shame on you.shoot in me twice, shame on me!

It's like russian roulette I chew over - the more chances you take, the more possible you are to get pregnant.

Good luck!

Do at lowest 15% of yahoo question involve period menstration etc anything?

You are most likely not pregnant if you own your period! The breast tenderness you be experiencing is PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and its completely normal. I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you.

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O.K. English help when asking a quesiton. Also stop having sex. You do not need to reproduce.

It is to rash to tell if you are pregnant. In a month take a Pregnanct tryout.

Birth control pill ask, i really have need of some counsel please!?

Since your period was so close, it is possible that you are still can sometimes filch a few weeks to know for sure. You will HAVE to take a test or shift see a doctor to know for sure. Good luck!

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Why are you taking such risks? And yes it's entirely possible you could be pregnant. Stress can upset your period by days sometimes. Now stop being stupid and stop have unprotected sex or stop screaming for help.

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there is a possiblity you could be, i know alot of individuals who had their last length just as they got pregnant. anyone tender around the beast doesnt always be determined your pregnant, it happens on your period.

Vaginal cramp?

you probably are not preg. the pain is common during a womans period. so thats not something to verbs about. if u know your gonna go thru hell next to all this worrying though, u should start using protection.

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hmm.. maybe you should be in motion to your doctor.

please help!!-;...

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I highley doubt that you are pregant, but if your so freaked out, go and thieve a pregancy test. They're only similar to 16$ at your local drug store

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You could possibly be pregnant.
To be sure wait about a week[or do it now]and pinch a pregnancy test.

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You should check with your doctor. You never know.

Ok, i'm 13 and a girl, and adjectives of my friends hold already masturbated, but i havent.?

Dude, you attain sore after you have sex. So you're probably sore.

You're not pregnant, I don't think.

Question going on for doctors.?

Not preg

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DOCTOR"S HERE YOU SHOULD GO!! turn now. i think you may be pregnant or buy a pregnancy examination!

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Yes, you could be prego!

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If you had your period, consequently you can't be pregnant.

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  • Cramps! please help out women!
  • Period . Question.

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