Any method to lessen menstrual cramp headache in the blink of an eye?

im 14 (if that matters) lol
but i don't have a heating wipe and i don't have aadvil either. i have some tylenol but it didn't really work, advil usually does the job but i have none. i toook a hot shower b/c i thought it would substitiute a warmth pad but that didn't work, can't sleep cause of adjectives the pain.
please helpp


Will my boobs ever acquire bigger?

try rubbing it, keeping it heat up by wrapping it with something
Drink HOT tea
put pressure on it like catch a pillow and in the spot it hurts lay on the bulged up pillow to compress/ squeeze the pain.
you know you should really win some NAPROXEN! it is great for menstrual cramps

Im so panicky?

Yes there is. I used to date a Chiropractor and he rubbed my uterus on the out side. I hurt at first, it's like a pat. BUT it worked. Rub on the outside-like you belly under your navel and massage slowly. It totally works.

Also Ibuprofen works better that tylenol!

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Water, hip bath, rest, heating pad, and my favorite, exercise (I know it is approaching the last thing you wanna do but it really does work!!)

A few problems beside my boobs?

if your parents will tolerate you and its available take a swig of whiskey-- works fast, and will put you to sleep. i've used it a lot-- if you don't own whiskey, tequila works just not as well.

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Eat bananas and help yourself to an Ibuprofen (Motrin). That always works!! Also, try lying face down next to a pillow under you stomach. That really helps me too!

I am 15. am i out-of-date satisfactory to book an appointment at the doctors and be in motion on my own lacking parent's go-ahead?

I know this will nouns silly, but try to massage or rub your belly where it hurts placidly... the heat and pressure should help the headache some.

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Curl up into a ball shape, that helps me sometimes.

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excersing help a little.

My boobs hurt when i bump into stuff and i do not know what to do i want to step to a doctor?

try eating a banana [:
angelic luck

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Midol helps a lot and it works really rapid

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