How to gain counterbalance?

i am turning 14 on in 2 days and i still dont have my length so i was reading a book and it says you enjoy to have 20% more body fat to obtain your period and i am skinny maybe thats why i dont hold my period i have everythign else what it said within the book except i think i dont have the 20% of extra corpulent how can i gain the weight?! so i can gain the wight fast to catch my period so my chest can grow..

Im startled!?

i got my length when i wos 12 and like u i wanted it cos i wos also hoping 4 a growth spurt within the chest area
that didnt happen adjectives at once i still had 2 wait a few more yrs lol
trust me u will regret trying to bring in ur period come earlier following on. CRAMPS

here r sum signs to no when ur periods coming
-armpit & pubic hair
-mood swings
-some breast developement

k hope i could serve!

Is at hand an egg surrounded by a womans womb the daytime after the second daytime of her extent?

so youre saying you want to

get tubby and possibly get your period sooner (it wont come right away manifestly, it may take years) and have excess butter all over your body, yes including your chest, instead of:

waiting a little longer to seize your period and look great, not fat!

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Don't try to gain shipment just so you can have your extent, believe me you will regret it later. Just wait for your time of year to come naturally. A lot of girls don't start their period for the first time until they're 15 or 16. Just dawdle it out.

good luck!

Has anyone got/had the implanon contraceptive implantation?

Don't try and gain weight because one little lick will stay on your hips so in recent times wait for your period because it will come, I know folks who have started from the ages of 10-18 so just be merciful and your lucky it hasn't come yet!


Try protein shakes alongside with regular meal. If you take those and don't work out you will gain fat.

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