Do at smallest 15% of yahoo question involve period menstration etc anything?


At what time during the month does a girl start ovulating/ovulation?

I've been answering health question for about 14 months, if you put an entry in the query for questions you will find all the ripened questions.

Inserting 'period' gives 19,552 question, 'menstruation' only gives 120, which I suspect say a lot for the fact that length is easier to spell! I must admit I had erstwhile to notice that there be so many, I have more issues beside the number of weight loss questions, but surrounded by fact you are right, there are not nearly as abundant as for period!

Am i biopolar?

i would say more next that yahoo is good for answering thing you dont want family 2 know about as the people on yahoo dont know who you are, pluss in attendance are quesions you would think of asking your docter, or theres quesions you wouldnt know who 2 ask. like period some gilrs dont like taking about it , so thay dance on hereget your answer which hopefully will help them instead of going 2 the docter , i ask louds on yahoo sometime you get a div thats convey you back a silly answer, but 9 out of 10 you get 2 what you want 2 hear, dutiful luck

Are my breast done growing?

Menstrual cycle is very important cog of women health. More girls and women will learn around their own body - more they will be able to protect themself. Boys and men also should know at least defining things about women cycles and disturbances.
Be Healthy and Happy!

Burning urine [serious question]?

conceivably in women's health yes. period are very important surrounded by a woman's life, if you had one you would follow. god, stop being such an arrogant jerk. and you know what , whoever said that how can i lose bulk? is a stupid girl question, how do i gain more muscle/how do i get a six pack? is asked moderately a lot. and losing weight and one healthy is a lot more importnt than getting a ripped stomach. so stupid guys resembling you shoukdn't be on women's health anywyas. GET A LIFE YOU ******* IDIOT.

Is bleeding after sex usual?


Ladies, we have a algebraic genius hanging out within womens health!

What percentage of penis-obsession questions did you find?

My vagina become black n its chops also become black i am worried going on for that bcz subsequent month i take married?

i can read aloud to you...3 things.
1. get a life
2. arent 15% of yahoo question are about the size of penises..and how your brain are about equal as of thinking erudite.
3. what do u care?

How use women condom?

If you look on women's health consequently yeah!
It's a big part of a girls life and it can be really scarey, so they're bound to have need of reassurance or ask questions.
If you don't like it, don't read it!

What can be done in the order of this slightly crushing and grownup situation?

NO! Only within womens health.

If you are going to loiter in womens strength. What do you expect.

Maybe you should look at the categories before you spring in with a statement close to that!

I quality resembling complete hell adjectives the time, i obligation some opinion please. it's approaching i'm "sick" 24/7.

Well, today it's at least 50%. :D

You know, Adam, if you'd just jump over to Men's Health you probably won't see quite so many interval questions.

Where Can You Get A Drugs Test? (uk)?


For women individual...?

I recon about 80% of the users on here are Woman, So you are going to gain crap questions like that and "how do I lose weight" Is another "stupid Woman question"

Not sure if i have an orgasm?

I don't expect that anyone has bothered to count. If they have they enjoy that much time on their hands, they need to find a hobby

What happen to my body during and after an orgasm?

powerfully that is why questions can be blotted out. enjoy u seen the questions within mens health..about wanking and penis length verbs.

I estimate i necessitate a bra do i?

i believe even more and i dont know if its just me but the majority of users are female.

Just wondering.?

No but if you find shirty cuz women ask about it then i'll detail you gory details!

Boobs hurt?

If you go onto mens problems no.

I have anorexia, and my length stopped for 1 yr, how long will it final when it comes subsidise?

Yeah it seem that being healthy is a big chunk of peoples lives rofl.

If later intercourse be on April 17 and cycle be see on April 26, is in attendance still a kismet for pregnancy?

And there I was thinking it be loosing weight.One answer should do the lot(ouch)

Breast nouns request for information??

Yes thats a very accurate digit. Well done.

I wana capture my tongue pierced & i own friends that hav it done. theirs look suitable. im upset to do it. assistance!!?

Pretty much!! But some girls need help w/ that kinda stuff!

Need backing beside my spell!! please!!?

This is womens form.

What BIRTH CONTROL pills do you use that own made your boobs bigger?

Iwas going to post that-must be true then

Rrrrg girl q plz backing!!!!?

No, where did you find that statistic from?

Hysterectomy and Arthritis?

Yes! :)

Is this middle-of-the-road?

idk and i really don't care

Is this a spell?

whats ur problem then

How to bring intricate nipples?

depends on what portion womens health than yeah

Im soo worried pls help out?

if you don't like it don't read it . men next to small minds usually have small ***** anyway

Please Help me next to this!?

What is cervical cancer?
How long will it nick to seize skinny?
My hubby never have a cold sore adjectives of a sudden he have one?
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