First pelvic exam nerves - what's involved?

I am scheduled to have my first pelvic exam subsequent week and feeling more anxious about it the closer it get and not wanting to talk with my mom around it. I'm only 17 and didn't think I'd hold this for a bit longer but I've been having stomach-ache and the regular doctor said I should get a pelvic exam now.

What's in fact involved? How long does it all take and does it hurt? None of my closest friends hold had one yet, but I know two girls who enjoy but they didn't say much. Is having your legs contained by those stirrups as bad as you would think for the first time? Any tips for tranquillizing nerves about it?


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When you for your first gynaecological examination/visit, you may have a few examinations done, which may include the following:

A pelvic exam is a path for your gynaecologist to examine your female organs and check for any gynaecological problems.

You may be worried about your first pelvic exam. It's particularly normal to be anxious nearly something when you don't know what to expect. Hopefully after reading this, you will be reassured that it is simple, isn't painful and the actual pelvic exam take only about 5 minutes. It is also run of the mill to feel embarrassed or uneasy around your first exam, I still feel embarrassed next to mine and I've had may many pelvic examinations over yesteryear 10 years due to female related problems I'm experiencing.

However, if you know what to expect, it may help you relax. I'm sure your gyno understand how you feel and will be sensitive and gentle, and answer any question you may have.

There are other important reason to have a pelvic exam. These may include:

- Unexplained pain within your lower belly or around the pelvic area, where your vagina is;
- Vaginal discharge or wetness on your underwear that cause itching, burning or smells bad;
- No menstrual periods by age 15 or 16;
- Vaginal bleeding that last more than 10 days;
- Missed periods; especially if you are having sex;
- Menstrual cramps so bleak that you miss school or work.

During your first check up your gyno will ask you questions more or less:

- Your general health, allergies and medication you are taking;
- Your menstrual period, such as how old you be when you first got it, how long it lasts, how recurrently it comes, how much you bleed , the first day that your last length started, if you have cramps; and at what age your breasts started to develop.
- Whether you have ever have sex or have been sexually abused.
- If you hold vaginal itchiness or an unusual discharge or odor from your vagina.

If you find it comforting your partner, a friend or if you are still young, your Mum can go beside you for support, bear in mind that they don't hold to be present in the room when you are having the pelvic nouns done. After you have given your medical history, been weigh and had your blood pressure checked, you will be asked to put on a gown. You will need to remove your clothes including your underwear and bra. A breast exam is repeatedly done as a routine part of this check-up.

Your gyno will explain the steps to the exam and ask you to lie down on the exam table. You will be given a sheet to put over your stomach and legs. You will next be asked to move down to the end of the table and place your feet within stirrups (these are holders for your feet). With your knees bent, you will be asked to let your knees fall to respectively side allowing your legs to spread apart. This is usually the part when most women feel humiliated. This feeling is normal too. Just remember that although this is your first exam, this is routine for your gyno and their merely concern is for your health.

There are 3 parts to this exam. Sometimes not all parts of the pelvic exam are vital. Ask your gyno which part or parts will be done for your examination.

Your gyno will first look at the nouns outside of your vagina, (clitoris, labia, vaginal opening, and rectum).

Now some information about the papsmear. The speculum is an instrument made of metal or plastic. Your gyno will place the speculum into your vagina. After it is inserted, it will be compassionately opened so that your gyno can see your vagina and your cervix (the opening to your uterus).

After checking your vagina and cervix, your gyno may transport a thin plastic stick and a special tiny brush or a small "broom" and gently wipe away some of the cell from your cervix. This is a pap smear, which detects early changes of the cervix until that time they become cancer. Most girls have normal pap smears.

If you are have vaginal discharge, your gyno will take another sample to check for a possible yeast infection and other cause of discharge. If you are having sex, your gyno will take another preview from the cervix to check for sexually transmitted diseases. When all of these samples enjoy been taken, your doctor will close the speculum and gently appropriate it out.

When the exam is over, your gyno will answer any questions you have and communicate you when to make your next appointment. He/she will also have a word to you about any medications you may obligation and tell you when and how you will get the results of the exam.

I hope this information help you out. Best of luck and remember to try to relax. If at any time during your examination, you feel discomfited or anything causes pain, you hold the right to stop your gyno and let him/her know.

Good luck. :)

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It's very typical to be anxious about something when you don't know what to expect. Hopefully after reading this information, you will be comforted that it is simple, isn't painful and takes one and only about 5 minutes. It is also normal to get the impression embarrassed or uneasy about your first exam. However, if you know what to expect, it may relief you relax. Your health care provider understand how you feel and will be sensitive and gentle, and answer any question you have.

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It's not the most comfotable thing to enjoy done in the world, but the DR will make you relax and much as they can.

All they'll do is put your foot up in stirrups ( put a sheet over you) and have a look to sort sure it all looks OK and take a pap smear from your cervix, which test for any abnormalities.

It'll be over before you know it!

Just try to remember that it's merely a check up to answer why you've been getting pains and that the DR conductes hundreds of pelvic exams in a year!

Good luck! X

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It's really not unpromising at all. Just keep within mind, they see several women a day. They cover your bottom half near a sheet so it doesn't feel like you are totally exposed. They will put your foot in the stirrups, they will take a look inside and probably do a swab and they will probably consistency around with their hands while pushing on your stomach. Really it concluding a whole 5 minutes if even that. Try to relax.

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I had my first one a few months ago and I be SOOOO nervous...but honestly it wasn't that take like 5 minutes at the need to realize..would u fairly have ovarian cancer, or someone lookin at your figi

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You don't say if the doctor is a man or a woman, but as a woman who's gone to both, I prefer the woman, by far (just for adjectives referance). But my first pelvic was with a man. I be 16, was not sexually active, and panicky to death just resembling you. You have to undress from the waist down, sometimes completely if they give you a breast exam..and they provide you a hospital gown to wear. You will put your feet in the stirrups, and scoot your butt to the terrifically edge of the table. He will insert something that looks kinda like a ducks beak. This is a speculum.It open your vaginal walls so he/she can see your cervix and take a few samples near a long que-tip. This was painful the first time for me and might be for you too, esp. if you are still a virgin. BUT, the doctor should be placid, if it hurts just let him/her know. Usually, they sermon about everyday things to distract you from what's going on. It helps...really. Then, he or she will use his fingers to have a feeling your uteris, and he will push down on your stomach a few times feeling for lumps and such. then you're done beside the worst part. If she does a breast exam...she'll ask you to lie on your rear legs and put one arm over your head and she'll feel for lumps. Then she'll do the other side.Then you'll enjoy to sit up and bring both shoulders forward so she can see if they dimple...or hang funny. Sounds bad.but it's not adjectives THAT bad, and it's so necessary for a womans strength. We ALL have to do it, and doctors are aware that it's not a good time for us. If you are downcast with how your doctor made you feel during the experience, find a contemporary doctor. Because you'll never go if the doctor can't make you discern at ease. Good luck, and remember, you're not alone!

Like the others said, you can ask a nurse to stay with you, or hold a friend or sister come along...Most of the action happens below the waist, so simply have them stand up by your head. It will serve to not be alone.

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I was totally nervous the first time too. Tell the doctor that it is your first exam and that you are tentative. Ask that the nurse stay in the room with you. I held the nurses mitt, lol. It only hurts if you're tense. If it does hurt, ask the doctor to stop a moment and administer you a chance to relax. Take a deep breath and consciously relax your muscles down within.

The doc will start the actual exam by putting in a tube called a speculum. Ask for a small speculum. That holds you depart so the doctor can take a look and do a pap smear. The pap feels funny, almost tickles. They of late pass what looks like a super tiny toothbrush up through the tube and swirl it inside you. Very strange sensation.

Then the doctor will do a pelvic exam. He/she will verbs out the speculum and insert a finger or two. Then, the doctor will press down on your tummy with the other hand. They are notion your organs, looking for things to be the right size and all. This part is discomfited.

The last bit may or may not be done. But in a thorough exam, the doctor will appropriate his/her finger out of your vagina and put it into your rectum and press on your tummy again. They do this part quick, since it's not pleasant for any of you. It doesn't hurt, but it is uncomfortable.

The whole entry takes maybe three minutes. I've other found that the worst part is waiting to get started.

So, open breaths, hold someone's hand if you want/need, try your best to relax, know that it will be over quickly, and know that we've adjectives been there.

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Don't verbs it's not such a big deal :)

You'll first get weigh in and probably have to impart a urine sample.

When it's time for the exam the doctor will put your feet surrounded by the stirrups, and probably have you slide down closer to the end of the table. you'll be on your support, so take deep breaths and relax, stare at the ceiling or close your eyes.

Like the others said you'll be covered so you won't be totally exposed.

The doctor will heat up up and lube up a speculum, a device used to slightly open you up so he can take a swab to trade name sure all cells are regular contained by your cervix. this part is slightly uncomfortable but you should not surface pain. it's over in smaller number than 2 minutes.

the doctor will then used a gloved hand to use his/her fingers inside of you, possibly while also idea your abdomen. this is also over quickly and doesn't hurt.

next there may or may not be a breast exam involved, but likely not. it's also high-speed, they don't look at them. they just feel them lower than the gown you wear for abnormal lumps and bumps.

then that's it!

remember- breathe! a nurse will possible be present, especially if you have a male doctor.

if a nurse isn't going to be surrounded by the room, you are allowed to ask that she is if it makes you more comfortable.

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