Does this brand name me a lesbian?

okay,im 13 years old and i love theway i look and sound when i masturbate.does this be paid me a lesbian? :(


Missed Period..Is it serious?

Not at all, it's natural.

Anyone taking or have taken Yaz BC?

No. You're of late exploring yourself. Its a bit kinky but as long as you're not doing it to another girl, then you're still straight.

If you lose deeply of blood from have your term can that receive you dizzy? how long does it cart to stop?

no it doesnt. it's natural and nought to feel ashamed about.

Bleeding due to fingering too regularly.?

not really. it sounds kinky... lol

its probably lately a little thing that turns you on.

dont verbs about it.

btw, 13? nyc...

email 14

What is the difference between a yeast infection and a bladder infection (read details)?

no makes you horny

Are you trying to loose mass?

no i love it to its sexy

Stubborn Belly Fat?

umm no

What is the best mode to increase the size of your breast minus surgery?

wow ur merely 13 and ur masturbating thats just gross!

Motivation to Exercise?

I hold be inkling kinda dizzy lately..?
Another menopausal interview ?
I will hold my tubes tied this time,and I'd approaching to know what to be precise similar to, and how it effects recouping??
  • Been on the HCG diet? Any side effects?

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