Anyone taking or have taken Yaz BC?

How do you like it, not like it? I am starting today :) Its not even to prevent pregnancy I am lately SO SICK of the bloating, weight gain, cramps, pms all the crap associated beside periods. :)

Contraception - what's worked for you? The pill's kill my sex drive.?

I took Yaz for 3 months and had to receive off of it. I had extreme fatigue, naseua, mood swings, my acne get worse, and I had the worst headaches I've ever have in my life. BUT I know closely of girls really like it, a few of my friends swear by it. It did make my period a lot shorter and lighter, which was awesome, I longing it would have worked for me. Best of luck!

Birth control...?

I was on Yaz a few months ago for solitary two months. I know that birth control works differently for many people, but contained by this case, it did not do me any good.

I wasn't using it for preventing pregnancy any, rather to regulate my periods and enjoy less intense PMS symptoms. It did regulate my period while I be on it, but I went through a series of side effects, including: migraines, vomiting, and fatigue. Once I decided that a predictable menstral cycle be not worth these random and painful occurrence, I quit taking the birth control.

Like I said, results vary for each human being, but these are just warnings I'm endorsement on to you. Best of luck!

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