I own be response kinda dizzy lately..?

i got a cold on friday and i have have headaches but now i'm okay i merely feel kinda dizzy i was burning up contained by school all time. my period is late almost a week and my breasts are sore and i got a few pimples on my face so could i merely be pms-ing?


Yes PMS I suppose, if that is your suspicion. Also dehydration could cause dizziness...dizziness cause one to be clumsy. Maybe you are dehydrated AND getting ready to enjoy your period. Can you see all the vein in your wrist or arm as you normally would? If not, explicitly a sign of dehydration. Also, standing up quickly makes you have a feeling faint is another sign.
Headaches are from dehydration too...they can range to severe.

I am going to suggest drinking some dampen or gatorade. Keep an eye on yourself and if your symtoms get worse then product a Dr appt.

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You are run down and soon to have your period. Just run of the mill. drink plenty of fluids, stay away from chocolate and sugar,onions and beans or anything gassy.

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It's PMS.

Take a hot shower, bundle up and go to bed. You could still be having side effects from the cold from Friday.

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