What does "In a really twisted process, you're kidna sweet," scrounging?

Well there is a girl in my class that I have been on the phone with for two hours, however it be originally about me likign her friend
Either way this girl and I kidna clicked and we get how each otehr think and adjectives so we kidna have feeligns for each other (and she flrited beside em , a little) like we'd kept eye contactin class twice and little stuff like that
Anyways I kidna close to her and she is showing signs of likign me, but we both seem not to want to like respectively other, why is that?
I can sorta guess why she doesnt she'd feel like she'd be betrayign her friend, Idk why I don't want toi but I do


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all right if her friend didnt like you in the first place nearby shouldnt be a problem. but if her friend does like you or did. then in that will be a little drama. idk go beside what your heart feels and she should to. if your worth it she will want you and go beside her heart also. i hoped i helped hun

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