Do stretch grades on a woman bother men?

iv done sum research n found out that 78% of women have stretch marks! does this bother men?

What the Heck?

Not unless they're really shallow. LIke it say on your statistic, most women have stretch marks so it's really the norm. You can minimise the appearance of them near a tan, fake or concrete and bio oil in specific is designed to reduce the appearance also. I don't think my boyfriend have noticed mine and we've been together over four years! i right to be heard revel in a womanly figure, stretch results, cellulite and all! I'd say cellulite bothers them more certainly!

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Let's face it, they aren't the most attractive thing just about a woman...but it takes a pretty shallow man to be turned off to the woman as a adjectives due to something as trivial as stretch marks. Seeing as how women usually have more than one child...I'd utter most men aren't bothered enough by it to refrain from pleasing biological urges.

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Maybe to a point, but your body (everyones, not just womens) grows, sometimes faster then your skin can transform, I know guys with stretch marks (like from muscles). I've solely heard women complain about stretch results, my hubby is a chubby chaser, so obviously stretch marks don't bother him lol.

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I hope not because EVERYBODY (women) should enjoy them because everybody grows right?

especially your butt and boobs, they grow. so men should be thankful for stretchmarks coz without em adjectives women would have the figure of a 10 year dated!

I have them!

A press for girls.?

They don't bother REAL men... and by real men, I anticipate men who love and cherish their partners. My wife's stretch marks are newly an indication of her wonderful gift of two great kids.

And my office research would support yours. :)

John Jones, M.D.

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Not surrounded by my experience. I've had quite a few partner, serious and casual, and none of them were bothered by my stretch results. I actually think stretch results are pretty: they make pretty patterns. And anyway, comparatively a few men have stretch marks too!


It depends on the guy, if he's humanitarian and nice, he doesn't care at all. If he's a player type and in recent times wants sex, it probably bothers him. Point is: the guy who loves you for you doesn't care if you enjoy stretch marks or not.

I would approaching to know what this is doing to my body please?

I don't think it bother's my husband much, the common sense I've got them is becuase of having our divine daughter and they are now all but non existent after have used shed loads of Vit E lotion.

Kez x

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well probably a little impose you would get a little freaked out if you saw a huge strech indicate on a man but i think they get by it partly the time becaue thats not all that matters...

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Not at adjectives. If anything it gives her character and a enduring 'realness.'

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God I hope not! And if 78% of women have them then they have just better learn to draw from used to it LOL.

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Doesn't bother me at all.

My boobs??

On the woman that I love, not at all.

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depends on the cut of the body really.
My ex had a kid, so minor ones, but didn't bother me.

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not if they are horrible. everyone gets stretch grades no matter who you are.

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It shoudln't matter if they really love you

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He's pretty shallow if it does.

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