Can fragranced body dust result in an odor surrounded by vaginal discharge?
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It's the perfumes, alcohols, and artificial additives that cause BV. I know women love malodorous body washes, but they should be limited to the outer parts of the body. I other keep a bar of my fave. soap surrounded by the shower, and when I use scented body washes, I use soap for the other nouns. This will prevent yeast bacterias and BV from forming.My friend was treated for the same entry and her doctor told her it was b/c she was using antibacterial soap to verbs her vagina. He said it was ok for her to bathe near it everywhere else but there b/c the vagina needs a confident amount of bacteria to be healthy. I also know that fragrant body wash can lead to yeast infections b/c of the fragrances. You may want to try not using it for a while or at most minuscule not bathing your vaginal area with it. Make sure you took adjectives of your meds for the vaginosis and if you don't see any results consult your doctor.
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Sure, lots of soaps cause this. If you change soaps, it does that too. Just telephone call your doctor, they do an exam, give you a pill and a few days later it's gone.yes, fragranced body wash or soap can give you a germs infection. you should use unscented products
Smells are directly reflective of your diet. Try drinking more water.
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yes...and if your using panty shield better not to use most of the time...I own ulcerative colitis ..can i own anal sex also semen can work as immune psychotherapy contained by my ***?
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Abnormal period..?