Does sex really hurt the first time?

this is kinda embarssing to ask i guess but just curious since im still a virgin! are there any ways to sort it less painful if any?

I own strech results, how can i formulate them walk away?

depends, if you've never used tampons or stuck anything up near and your boyfriend has a huge tool, yeah it'll hurt. If you've used tampons and masturbated with similar to a carrot or hairbrush or something, and your bf is tiny, it probably won't hurt at all. Working your way up from small to life-size gradually is probably the best way.

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It may or may not hurt. You may or may not bleed. I have absolutely no pain (I be 22). It is most painful for those that are too young and cold for sex.

The hymen can be stretched or torn in many ways (tampon usage, exercise, etc.). This might relief:

How can You communicate?

It does hurt the first few minutes but your body quickly adjusts to the affliction.After the pain is gone all you get the impression is pleasure.But the the pain isnt going to kill you,a moment ago ask your partner to be gentle.

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My opinion when I have sex it did hurt but I was tense and be just thinking about the twinge ... I think know if I was relaxed and doing foreplay earlier and getting exicted it might of not hurted...

Good option?

It can but it also depends who you are.
I lost my virginty when i was 13 and i really felt the niggle and also satrted to bleed

I own a cross-question for girls merely! in the region of period!!?

different for everyone. i only hurt a little.

lots of foreplay+lube+taking it slow?

i guess

23 and breasts hold be sore for a few months and one adjectives of a sudden grew. What would take home this start?

I don't know. I'm a virgin too.

Hmmm a touch relieve please?

lots of foreplay,dont rush things,delight in.

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