Vagina give somebody the third degree ?

my partner fingered me & now my vagina is tremendously sensative. one thing that really freaked me out be that one lip (of vagina - not where tresses grows) is now thicker & dark than other side. (swollen maybe?) I DONT KNOW WHAT specifically. this began yesterday - how long do you reflect on this will last?
please distribute me any info.
sources would be great also.
thanks !
- and srry for gross ask -

Answers:    he was probably to ruff next to you and now your irrated it should run away in a year or two
Hey u should go to ur GP ( broad practition) oh dear...umm amybe you should go to the doctor and draw from it checked...thats the safest thing to do...once you've done it'll be glad you did =]
it wont step bac but it wont be as sensative any more i no dis cuz i got dats same piece Pictures!... Without pictures I can't give you any support at all.

See a doc if you can, you newly never know. Let's see, did she scrape you w/long fingernails? Was she rough? Did she pinch/pull? It could be no more that a bruise w/swelling. Oh! Maybe her finger/nail wasn't verbs and now you own an infection. Any discharge or bad urine smell? its ok... stimulation can increase the blood flow which inturn can touch thicker.
Were his hands verbs? Were her nails trimmed? Were you lubed up adequate? Sounds like friction (rug burn). Keep an eye on it. It should walk down.
If you have any humane of pus or bleeding see your family MD and put in the picture her the real business.
I'm sure you're fine.
Just go to the doctor. You might own a bacterial infection. Hands/fingers pick up a LOT of germs throughout the course of a day. Plus guys don't other wash after using the bathroom. You never know. Better sheltered than sorry. not that I enjoy answering this cross-examine and maybe you could of posted this interview with a moment or two going to answer this anyways.

His hands be probably not washed and adjectives his germs came into your "cat" and very soon its the gyno girl...
okay agree to me think.I honestly dont know...but I really come up with that you should try to find some research online before you freak out.
its okay. IF you are to embarresed to call for the gyno. then loaf a couple more days and if it doesnt go away.christen the gyno asap. You are probably a little smaller contained by that area than most girls are Im guessing or you are only just very sensitive down in attendance. was it your first time?

devout luck.

email me if you need me...but subsequent time use better choice of words please. Mwuah! xoxo

Follow the Man Rule: wait a week and if it hasn't cleared up variety a visit to your OBGYN. I don't know what that's around or if being fingered is even related to the concentration and darkness you're conversation about. I assume since you said the "thin on top lip" that you mean the labia minora. Did he own long fingernails that might have scratched or otherwise irritated your vagina? Don't verbs, your question isn't that gross!

If it's a chronic problem, or if it feel bad (raw, itching, burning) it could be Lichen Simplex, a yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis. None of those things are Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections, and none of them are more than ever dangerous. Lichen Simplex lately means your skin is man irritated by a lotion or something, while BV and Yeast infections are caused when something upsets the pH of your vagina, or the go together of good/bad bacteria.

According to my source, "In dying out cases, a color change of the vulva could indicate a more serious disease," so you should return with it checked. Even if it's just BV or a yeast infection, you'll necessitate medication sooner rather than following.

It sounds like you hold a pretty good conception of what your vagina usually looks like when you are and are not aroused, so you're probably chitchat about something to be precise unusual for you. Since people besides you will read this, I want to join that it's completely normal for the labia to swell and bring back dark and sensitive when you're aroused. Men love it because it scheme you're turned on, like you're blushing between the legs. Labia sometimes start out misty. Even women with adjectives skin sometimes have menacing labia. They can be peach, pink, magenta, purple, brown... depending on your ethnicity. They usually get dark than whatever the starting color be if they're stimulated. It's a smart idea to know what your conventional color is.
You really have to mind your Ps and Qs of what goes within there. It should be verbs and, in this daytime and age, it should be encased in plastic or latex (even if it is a finger).

Fingernails can score the inside of this highly sensitive nouns and set off a force of infections. So, if this is an avenue that you 2 are going to continue to pursue, product sure he washes his hand and that his nails are trimmed beforehand he dips his fingers into your honeypot.

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