Period problems?

I'm 13, 7th grade and I haven't started my period but. It's so embaressing because all of my friends have. I can't pull the wool over your eyes to people and tell them that I hold started because I'm afraid they will eventually find out (and for some reason lately the conversation about period get brought up) and even though my closest friends don't make fun of me I'm afraid someone will find out and will. Sometimes I find nervous that I'll never start and that I won't be able to own kids or whatever, I know some people don't start until their 16. I can't ask my mom when she started hers because I'm not close to my mom she lives out of state. I don't even know what I'm asking of you I freshly don't know who to talk to. I guess I need some reasurence or suggestion or something. Please don't make fun of me because it's really starting to get to me.

If you be looking for a women to marry and you found her but she have stretch grades on her pelvic abd. nouns?

Your mental state are very normal. Millions of girls are worried roughly their menstrual cycles and period.
In general, the puberty and the menstrual cycle are genetically and hormonally determined and different girls can own different development. In different countries periods are starting at 11-17 (depending on physical nouns, hormones, genetics, country location, etc). It is very personal and pre-menstrual "signals" (strange discharges, breast stiff, abdomen pain, etc.) can come 1-2 days or 2-3 months or 11-12 months contained by advance. Some girls don’t have any pre-menstruation "signals". It depends how sensitive are you and how nippy your hormones will jump up. Just don't be stressed because stress itself could make a bottleneck. Everything has it’s time.
Unfortunately I cannot send you my website nouns (system is refusing) but you can find my website from my other answers.

Be Healthy and Happy!

I have my period for 2 days they where on earth really bedside light consequently they stopped i own be response nausea?

Honey, I know this may not be the answer you are looking for, but don't get discouraged that you haven't started yet. I started overdue myself and wished that I would start so that I could feel "mature" and stuff, and immediately I look back and laugh. You will enjoy your period for many years, don't rush into it, a moment ago enjoy he freedom of not having cramps, bloating, headache, and the whole shabang. Just sit back and relax, it will begin when your body is ready.

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Hi, its no problem, I have a few friends that havent get their period and their seventeen. Girls start at different times. If you are really worried, go and consult to your GP pet. It shouldnt be anything to be embarassed about and only sermon to your friends if you feel comfortable. You will have a time of year sometime, but like I was truism we all start at different ages.
I hope you found this helpful pet.
All the best :)

How do i know when a girl is sexually exited??.. which are the evident signs?..?

Dont verbs First of all.

Everyone has these morale.. about being the one and only one not starting etc.


You dont have to worry just about starting me personially didn't start till i was 16... But I loved every minet of it Just think how lucky you are you dont enjoy to worry about cramps and blooting I would imbrase it

But i know how you touch, but there are soem things that you should look for just to take home sure your on the right track if
Breast- if your ganna start soon you will have some definition of breasts
Pubic Hair- When you will start soon you will see hair (down there)
Hip- your hips becoem more defined!

And Trust me your without blemish normal and embrase it you only own a couble more year still a child!

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girl ur ok! trust me there is nothing to be ashame of U WILL go and get it just enjoy this time u hold left because when u do get it ur gonna preference u hadnt after some years jeje:) enjoy this time u dont have to verbs about cramps, bloating, etc so when ever the conversation comes up just enunciate something like" thank god i still dont have it" lolz cuz when ur friends talk roughly it im preety sure they are not saying something like (oh i love human being on my period,and enjoy it) right?
so only wait u will get its a girl article

Nuva ring worries.?

Dont worry im 13 to. I havent started either. Try to turn to your doctor. Mine told me you start around 100 lbs. If you go in for a check up you can usally ask and your doctor can usally make a contribution you a pretty good estimate on when your going to start.

What happen when you don't pocket the second Plan B pill?

You should be loud and proud that you haven't started your period!! I started mine at 10. And I don't know why girls resembling to talk about their length. It is really gross and annoying. Next time they start to do it, tell them to hush that they are being icky.

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Trust me, when you finally bring it and get used to it, you will be wishing you be still without your period, it's not as exciting after have your period for years. The cramps suck.

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hey im with u adjectives my friends make fun of me in close to a joking way cuz i havent started mine. im 14 and surrounded by 8th grade...but my mom didnt start till she was 16. and its totally average that u didnt start yet, but ya its annyoing i know

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Thank your lucky stars. The longer you get to loaf for that to happen the more comfortable you'll be. You're only 13 savour not having to deal near that while you can, it hurts.

How do you know that your ovulating and can u ovulate in the past your time of year?

its ok that you haven't started yet. Be glad!! If your friends find out that you haven't tell them that you will enjoy less periods and bloating and adjectives that junk than they will. Your better off than they are!!

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Every girl is exceptional, different. Some will start as young as 9, others are late as 16. Don't verbs about it, it'll come when your body is ready.

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hay dont verbs about it maybe your friends havent gone on their time of year yet and just influence they have so they might fell the same as you.

Just answer the press and after i will obtain backbone to you adjectives?

lucky you
i get my period when i was 12
dont verbs about it. alot of my friends havent gotten theres yet
everyone is different a moment ago remember that

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Be lucky!! Your friends will start complaining and you will not have it!! Be happy beside who you are and not what everyone else is!!

Boobs q?

u outta b hapy u dont hav ur period im 11 i started my period contained by march and its the worst thng thats happned to me i hvae cramps and mood swings no walk surrounded by da park

What does it be a sign of if you own a spell lacking discomfort?

ok calm down!! take it frm me, i be in ur exact place! but trust me ur gonna b fine.
Enjoy ur life while u can bcuz its not that great. dont verbs ur gonna b fine!

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I can understand why you would want it to hurry up and come, but trust me, once you get it, you are gonna miss enthusiasm without it! It will come, you are still young. Some inhabitants don`t even get it until they are 18! It really is a blessing in disguise lol Everybody`s body is different, so your term will come when your body is ready for it to come. And no, there is no route to make your body ready for it. It will come about when it happens. So don`t worry going on for it! Enjoy your life without cramps, headache, sweats, pads, tampons, diarrhea, etc..etc..etc.. because when you wish for your time to come, that is what you will get!!

Does it realy matter(WOMEN ONLY)?

Aw child girl, some girls are just late bloomers and its zilch to laugh about...You are going to find that girls are impressively mean and will do whatever to create themselves feel better than you. But the truth is that you WILL start, just be lenient. Being a girl sucks and being on your period sucks even more so soak up the time you have left past you do officially start. How can people construct fun of you about something you can't control? there's really no good guidance to give you because you will have to cram for yourself. Do you have a teacher you can parley to? probably not but if theres any women you know that you can trust and feel comfortable talking to, i'm sure they would be predisposed to help. Or maybe you can ring a Planned Parenthood and ask if they may have any advice for you. Be comfortable you have close friends that don't make fun of you and keep hold of those friends, they are invaluable. good luck sweetie and just be lenient...

What does this suggest?

Hunny, you're fine most people I know don't start until like 14, 15, 16 my best firend didnt even start until this departed summer and she was 17... If people enunciate something to you about it just try to pay no attention to them.. It's not a very plesant thing to rush along. And if you get the impression uncomfortable in a conversation that it get brought up in, just try to switch the subject. And if you're closest friends don't enunciate anything about it.. Why worry just about what other people think... Believe me the elder you get the more stuff you're going to havta worry something like. So try to start now about not worrying something like what people think. That get me through High School. And you'll start soon enough. Like I said it's not somthing to rush along. And you're perfectly ordinary hunny.

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So disgusting!(guyz and gurlz answer plz)?
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