Is this because i come rotten the pill?

i've just came past its sell-by date the pill 4 weeks 4 days ago and ever since i've really been feeling close to utter hell
nauseaus in a morning, sensitive breasts, my period hasnt shown up all the same and i'm getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen
only just this morning i noticed some really tiny bright pink spots on my underwear
i took a pregnancy test 2weeks ago and another one afew days ago and they be both negative so i've sorta ruled that out
i have a docs appt fore tomorro but be just wondering what you think?
appreciation xx

I took Diflucan yesterday at 2:30pm...?

Yes thats completely normal. I have freshly come off the pill aswell and i had another term. It is just your body adjusting to the variation of hormones. It should stop soon but if it doesn't i recommend that you see a doctor, just to be on the safe side.

Hope it help.

Discharge interview?

I think it's just your body trying to re-adjust b/c of the hormones that be in the pill. I went past its sell-by date the pill over a month ago, and I had a really heavy extent for 2 weeks, and I also felt really bloated and gross during that 2nd week. After that though, mine leveled out. My doctor told me that it could take anywhere from 1-3 months to bring your hormones back on track. The pain contained by your side may be a cyst, and those really suck (ask your doc about them). Most of them are no big deal (except they hurt similar to a #$%$ when they bust) but sometimes they need to be drained or removed if they're large. Best of luck.

Girls stipulation serve?

yep its effect you came off the pill! the pill messes up your hormones and immediately that you came off it your body is going haywire itll clutch time for it to adjust its self

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