Ladies can you please facilitate me near this shameful problem?

I have a bit of a drink problem and when i take drunk i cant get a erection. My girlfriend is staying this weekend and she as suggested i use a pencil as a splint.My query is..

could this give her head poisining

Answers:    Dear sweet Wil L I see you are at it again You do have yourself a problem.hold you ever been competent to have a erection when sober? I really don't ruminate are just blaming adjectives the beer you drink Please do not attach a pencil to your penis...this would be very not easy to get sour.if you use crazy glue...economically it would not be a pleasant experience for you.when you try to remove it...and string would cut off circulation to you Itty Bitty
explicitly just retarded, dont drink Oh please. A splint?!?

My warning, ease up on the drink.
no they are made from graphite,very soon.
but watch out you don't use a #2 pencil ,
or you guys might procure The E-coli.
First, get back for the drinking problem.
Second... all men seize whiskey dlck when they drinl too much. Alcohol thins the blood.
No, pencil lead is made from graphite, although I would be more concerned more or less scratching the inside of her vagina.
Graphite is used and does not contain front.
I suggest a toy.
if you are too far gone with drink...

I mull over you have an overactive imagination my friend, as all right as a drink problem. Never mind giving your girlfriend lead poisoning I assume you would find this a bit uncomfortable. Were you planning to cartridge the pencil to your penis or tie it either method it would not be comfortable. The only time I enjoy seen a pencil used within regard to a penis is when I be a student nurse and we used the pencil on the dirty old men to deflate their erections. Yes girls it works of late a tap near a pencil soon cools their ardour DO NOT INSERT A PENCIL INTO YOUR PENIS.
this is a compleatly BAD idea.

seccondly, within isnt lead contained by a pencil, it's graphite.

thirdly, if you want to have sex near your girlfriend and want to perform, next don't drink. simple as.

good luck anyway! and don't shove anything down in attendance unless you want an infection.
eraser end up, she will be fine! Well, don't drink so much, aim help if needed. Normal to not draw from erections after drinking too much. A pencil? Come on!!
That is just crazy! If your feeble enough, chat to the doctor and get some Viagra! It works!!
No, as pencils today are made from graphite. No worries. LMFAO

You know sweetie they make attachments for folks like you. Plus it'll confer you a few extra inches and possibly vibrate if you spring for the deluxe model.
you've get a really dumb girlfriend. no offence but come on...A SPLNT!? that would be really mortified for both of you and it wouldnt be worth having sex.
JUST DONT DRINNK YA DING DONG lol wtf dont use a pencil! lately lay off the drinking a bit and penicls are made of graphite in a minute not lead
My ex husband have the same problem, so I can enunciate this with experience. The splint will NOT work. When a being is drunk, they get irritated exceptionally easily, and you don't want to direct your drunken irritability on your private nouns. That could be dangerous--and painful. Here's what you should do: achieve drunk until you pass out. That will hand down your girlfriend free to find someone else who doesn't depend on alcohol for a good time. Believe me, this works! dont carry drunk
It sounds to me like you want another girlfriend. First, if she were any suitable, she would be able to arouse you, drink problem or not. Also, she should want you to be relieved, and if drinking makes you happier than sex next to her, she just desires to suck it up and accept that. It's your good that counts. If she wants pencils, rubber strip 8 or 10 together and tell her to hold at it while you go return with yourself another drink. May I suggest a safer alternative, 2 tongue depressors & some duct tape. It's not individual safer but gives you some "bulk".
It may draw blood , or it may erase ur problem, i guess you a moment ago have to prove a point babe lol
xxx No dear pencils are not made near lead. Graphite only just make sure that it isn't sharpened.
Oh Gosh..I am gonna die laughing and its adjectives your fault.!

expurgate..sweetjudy so funny too..ROFLMAO
The cure for 'whiskey dick' is pretty simple.

Will, if your 'brewer's droop' is so bad that you can't bequeath a lady what she have a right to expect, maybe you should achieve her a vibrator - and call it "Won't."
zOMG! Yes! Totally you could! omgomgomg! um, seriously, a pencil splint?! i don't regard that would work, honey, and that could also be dangerous to adjectives parties involved. i don't know where on earth you gf even heard that. a moment ago don't drink if you wanna have sex. it's a adjectives problem for guys and girls, sometimes referred to as "whiskey dick" or "whiskey clit."
lol.. I don't think that would be advisable.

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