Frequent sex cause bladder headache?

when my boyfriend and I have frequent sex within a 24hr period I start to get the impression a lot of pressure contained by my bladder, like I own to urinate but I dont, the more sex we have the worse the premonition gets, I usually stipulation a day or so to grain normal again, anyone enjoy any advise on this??

Answers:    It is cause by irritation of the urethra.
To much rubbing against it. It is very adjectives in classic sessions.

It is not an infection or STD.
Sounds like a urinary tract infection ugh i know how you quality. umm... well, if your not using a condom, after you need to pee after everytime to bring back all his stuff out of you, if not it will cause a bladder infection. also, drink lots of hose b4 and after sex
i don't have direction other than to see the doctor instead of asking a bunch of strangers on the internet sounds close to a urinary tract infection. you need antibiotics. run see your doctor, it'll help you out a great deal. you just rob antibiotics for about a week or 2, depending on the dose, and it'll relieve the niggle. good luck!
Your risk for bladder infections take WAY higher next to frequent sex. Try urinating RIGHT after sex, and drinking plenty of water after you are sexually alive. If your system is flushed, and the bladder is emptied right after sex, at hand is no chance for bacterial growth.

If the consciousness DOESNT go away on its own, engineer sure to go to your doctor and bring back a urine test.
That dude must be hung close to Godzilla if he is jacking up your bladder. Enjoy. I think. your frequent sex is cause bladder infection. go to the doctor and carry treated. In future, be sure to bring back up and urinate immediately after have sex to flush the area, be sure to drink all right amounts of water, and if you play a part in oral sex, create sure he brushes his teeth or uses mouth wash previously he performs on you.
I used to win this and the doc told me it was because of added pressure on the bladder, if it make you uncomortable then of late dont do it advetually your body will ajust slowly and everything will be fine I used to get that impression when I first started having sex. Eventually it stopped. I enjoy no idea what cause it.
It happens to me adjectives the time. It is a urinary tract infection. If you have like mad of sex, especially if not using a condom, germs from the man can get up inside you, and it does hurt. Sometimes I can manipulate the pain and it eventually go away, but other times I have to budge to the doctor. you can get antibiotics and anguish meds from the doc. Make sure to pee right after you have sex, it help to push all the callous stuff out, and always wipe front to spinal column. I have that problem but I own IC (interstitial cystitis). My bladder always feel irritated whenI have sex. It other hurts. Talk to your doc. It could be from having so much sex, or you could possibly own an infection. Get checked out!
I had a similar problem. It could be "honeymoon cystitis." Basically it is when you bring back a bladder infection frequently after sex. Try urinating right after sex to clear out the bad microbes. If you get them commonly enough your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to hold right after sex to prevent one. WOW- urinating after sex does not "get adjectives his stuff out of you" You pee from the urethra not the vagina. Also - you could be sensitive from prolonged exposure to latex (if you are using a condom)

A lot of people hold that problem. It is generally cause from bacteria that can enter the urethra. You will inevitability to go to the doctor to bring in sure you dont have an infection.

Also - women who are in the region of to reach a apex for a g-spot orgasm have the sensation of need to pee. Maybe your bf is getting you close to that point but not following through. When you get the sensation that you requirement to urinate, try to hold off... and see how it go. You may just be on the brink of an orgasm.

If even taht is not the overnight case. be sure to see your doctor.
Cranberry juice (trader joes have a 100% one i will buy that and mix it w/ the regular cranberry cocktail juice they public sale at the stores it takes away for the bitterness of the 100% one fragment cocktail cranberry and two parts 100% juice) ... and make sure you try to use the bathroom before/after intercourse.Im sure its not undemanding but thats why i say try. Holding urine to long can grounds UTI. And if you have that sensation of going but you cant that's proally a UTI.. Time to telephone call your gyn. yeah it does sound a urinary tract infection

strong, constant urge to urinate
sharp spasm or burning in the urethra during urination
inability to fully uninhabited bladder
possible blood in urine
soreness contained by lower abdomen, fund, or sides

drink lotsa fluids to flush out your system, wateer & cranberry preferred. oh and go to ur local pharmacy they should enjoy meds for a UTI
It's from pressure on the bladder. Quit blaming the guy. And urinating right after sex will NOT clear out the vagina. It passes through the urethra and that Might aid eliviate the pressure a bit, but not the semen. I can't believe you women are having sex and don't even how you're built! That would be close to clearing your throat to get the snot out of your muzzle. It's probably a UTI, otherwise known as the honeymoon infection. Frequent sex tends to basis more urinary tract infections. You need to follow a few original steps to minimize the possibility of this happening.

(1) Always spawn sure that your partner has cleaned himself ably before the conduct yourself. Use condoms if possible.

(2) Urinate promptly before you indulge and run again immediately afterwards to relieve your bladder. This is enormously important.

(3) Always wipe from front to put a bet on.

(4) Drink lots of water and cranberry liquid. It's best to dilute the cranberry juice near a bit of plain water, that method you don't take surrounded by too much sugar.

(5) If you still don't get nouns, see your doctor as you may require some medication to clear up a possible infection. Without a pelvic examination, done by an OBGYN, you won't know if you own cysts, endometriosis, or some type of infection that requires medication or surgery.
I am currently having duplicate thing..constant pressure, constant urge to urinate...I go to get tested for UTI but in that was no infection found besides a slight trace of blood(bruising). I hold to say that my Hubby and I (we are hugely comfortable with one another,own been married for 10yrs) own great wild, sex! Its is from rough (pounding beside any object,or body part) sex.. Usually, after a dark of drinking! I have have mild symptoms before..but this is the worst.I guess, he have to try real frozen for me that day!And he admit it was too not easy! I even knew it too! UGH! Sorry peoples, for the expression. But this is the intention. Its been around 8 days now. Tylenol help as well as motrin. The bruising is/ will subside for you. As a gentlemen stated below it is not std or etc.It is irritation. Your body will take back to conventional.There are other women on here with similar symptoms too. Look them up as in good health. Remember, that we women need lubricant(even if you dont muse so at that moment, use it) on any object /body quantity that is involved. My hubby is gonna rob it easy for very soon on! Even if I say not to!

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