Help please ! ladies please i guess guys too?

hey! ok well i have these weird pains in my lower backbone and stomach so i went to the doc. im 13 and of late begginng periods they are especially irreagular but anyway he told me it was any a bawl movment thing, urinary tract infection, or ovary cysts. he said that it prob wont be the urinary tract infection so im ruling that out. what do you deduce it is? my periods are greatly irreagular and havent had one for 2 months so he said that make the cysts much more of a possiblity. but for the baul movment issues he has me drinking fiber it doesnt come across to help but sometimes when i caugh it hurts nearby. when it hurts i ususally dont need to jump to the restroom but it hurts sometimes when i am using it. if you have have any of these issues please tell your symtoms


Help.. My sister is blood pressure lenient .So tell three things to use instead of Salt .?

i have the same piece when i was 15 and it be cyst

Omg this a serious question plz answer!?

i have urinary tract infection and it hurt eveytime i went to the bathroom.and my period are have be very irregular since i started getting my spell and i was told the common sense is my diet im not eating plenty.

I have my length and my stomach is killing m! how do i attain it to stop!! plz help!!?

My daughter have the same item it was a cyst. I own to tell you that sometimes they can be sore. The doctor put her on some medication and it cleared up. She hasn't had a problem since.

Women solitary please.?

Either you are not listening to the Dr. powerfully or you need a second inference because sounds like the Dr. is simply guessing. There are tests to rule these things out.
Ultrasound to rule out ovarian cyst
Lab test to rule out UTI
X-ray to rule out bowel problems.

Menstrual cylces can be irregular when you first start having them.

Young girls sometimes enjoy problems with their bowels. This can be from poor diet. not ingestion enough of the right foods contained by order to stay skinny. Nervousness almost life/body changes.

Some women hold what is called Irritateable bowel syndrome. or IBS. This can be manage through diet changes and drug.

Make sure you are seeing a specialist in these fields.. A worthy OB-GYN should know what to do.

Can someone help me ?

When you own your period, the egg is separated from your ovary formerly you ovulate, it's held in a cyst-like structure until it's time for the egg to be released.

Since you're immature, and are having irregular period, the cyst-like structure has grown, and become bumpy.

Cysts aren't really a 'big deal' medically, unless they enjoy been nearby for months. My suggestion is to drink cranberry juice, keep hold of taking the fiber, and exercise. I know it sounds like a niggle, but it helps.

Your cycle will fluctuate for years. I'm 23 and mine have only become 'regular' lately. I used to have alot of the problems you described-as lately as a few of months ago. For me, exercise and soy milk (helps estrogen levels) is what helped.

Just, doesn`t matter what you do, don't let your doctor put you on birth control pills. Some do, only to regulate cycles, but I have have 2 friends that were put on them at an rash age, and have have nothing but problems. Until consequently, heating pad and walking. Advil, if you need it.

Little stuff?

Periods are not regular at first. They go and get more regular after age 18. What he said that it could be do to constipation could be true. Drink plenty of water. And when you have a feeling the call of humour, like you may own to use the bathroom. Don't put it off. What tend to happen when one doesn't travel if needed. Is that when you do decide to budge. You may feel you hold to but can't. That is called constipation. The backache you feel could be spend foolishly matter that have hardened. Apart from drinking plenty of water. You can also try massage your lower belly in circular motion. It may effortlessness the discomfort. And help surrounded by the loosening. Of the waste product. Also you can train your body to be in motion. One sits at the toilet takes a magazine or book to read. About ten minutes even if you don't hold to go. Do this regularly resembling everyday. And your body will get the clue. you will be more regular. And the anguish if do to not being competent to go will stop. Also it won't hurt or be much shot as it is now for you. Hope this help. I read this in a vigour book.

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