Chances of pregnancy on 4 menstrual light of day?

I am 29 years old, had sexual intercourse on the 4th year of my menstrual cycle (being the first bleeding day the March 14 morning). I had sexual intercourse on March 17th, no ejaculation inside though. The interval lasted around 7 days with reading light spotting. I thought I started ovulating from March 27 to April 11, since I had recurrent cervical mucus change.
My usual cycles are 28 - 30 days from each other.
Today is the 39 so far my longest cycle.
I had closely of stress the weeks I was supposed to be ovulating, and since my last term I lost around 5 pounds, because I got braces and my diet changed a lot.

Last week I started to own PMS-like symptoms, sharp pains on the side of my breast, small cramps and a bit of breast enlargement. The usual that I always own before any menstruation cycle.

I am usually regular at my cycles and I hardly believe that I could changed from regular to irregular smaller number than a month.
What are my chances to have ovulated during my 4th time of menstruation, or my chances of pregnancy if there be no ejaculation?

I took 2 home pregnancy tests last Thursday and Friday, and the both come back negative.
What are my probability of a false negative?
If I take another HPT subsequent week (6 weeks after my last period), if I were really pregnant, would it show already?



First, on 4 daylight of cycle you would not be able to become pregnant. Just be sure you did not have unprotected sex on other days.
Second, stress could be a defence of delay because menstrual cycles are very-very sensitive to stresses and dramatic weight loose.
Third, after 6 weeks (after end period) you blood pregnancy test should be positive (if pregnant).
Be Healthy and Happy!

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