My girlfriend have a stinky you know what...what can she do to verbs or breed you know where on earth smell better ? yuck

Answers:    and i suppose you have the without blemish perfumed penis next?
She might have an infection. Have her shift to her gyno. The problem could more serious then what you estimate.
She can also douche or clean herself near some sensitive soap, lather, and rinse tremendously well. Do that 300 times. A Douche... haha i've never said that word surrounded by the right context before..but she might hold an infection or somthing.
Maybe she needs to lift more than one shower a day, I don`t know it's the soap she is using. Maybe she needs to adapt her underwear more. I don't know. Have you talked to her more or less it? she needs to stop cleaning it near soap because that can cause irrtation purely use warm dampen,and if you are using condoms she could be allergic try non latex ones,or tell her to shift the doc she could have an baterial infection which is totally common and could be cause from being to verbs,because "you know what" cleans itself and to much washing can motivation an imbalance within bacteria!!

report to NOT use a douche! it could make her worse!!
rinse it frequently,and use a vinegar douche this helps to return the inbred flora and fauna.the body needs some germs to regulate normal smells.hoverer if it persist,she could have an infection and will be needed to treated by a doctor.
dutiful luck Oh ,don't take bubble baths ,they are deleterious to women's Cootc# i es. what a shame for you it is a bit off putting for you.

I f you enjoy been beside other women are you saying that she smells more to you than others?.

she conceivably needs to clear up more, do it in the tub that way you return with rumpy pumpy and she is clean at equal time.
It might be a sign of an ongoing current vaginal infection, or a chronic vaginosis... so many microbiological cause for that - Candida, Gardnerella, Trichomonas, bacteria...
She wants to get it checked and, if infection is proven, treated straight.
Other than that, rigorous hygiene maintenance is a must... curls trimming of the pubic, ano-genital area (not wax, because it might front to further infection at this point); warm dampen several times a day, pH - perched soap once a day, no underwear made from synthetic fabric (cotton only), and (I'm sooooo sorry to tell you this) - no thongs whatsoever, at lowest until this thing resolves.
FEET? you are purely cracking up now aren't you, so what are you going on 12 you lucky if you even hold a GF Why didn't you just articulate FEET!. Using a foot deodorant type foot spray would do the job, after as expected washing them contained by an mild antiseptic wash / soap. She could also try sprinkling some bi carbonate of soda into her shoes to assistance eliminate odour from perspiration.
ROFL foot haha. Just have her put her foot in a bucket of black tea. I hear that works in good health.

ROFL you made it really sound similar to you were conversation about something different

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