Missed length for 2 months? assistance my friend (info. needed)?

My friend has missed her extent for 2 months?
My friend has not have a period for 2 months she have never missed one and took 2 pregnancy tests but both be neg. she has sex and uses the verbs out method.Could she still be pregnant or what could it be?
SHE said she has never missed her interval she is 27
I have also talk her into making a appt. tomorrow.

Answers:    Yes she could be pregnant. The pull out method is not a form of birth control because the masculine has a pre-* which contain sperm.
In some females the home pregnancy try-out don't work because the hormone is not concentrated enough. Blood exam is the best way to be in motion.
Stress, diet, exercise, medications, freight changes could also affect her spell.
The "pull out method" does not work. she's pregnant. travel to the doctor and get it confirmed.
preggoooooooo vote helllo The pull out method is not birth control, shes 27?? she should be smarter than that, it is vastly possible and she should see the doctor.
She can still be pregnant. Pre-ejaculatory fluid still comes out before orgasm. I suggest she try to rob a few more tests. The verbs out method is only 70 significant. Always use a condom. It all depends she could simply be going through a lot a stresss on her body specifically making her miss her period, but sometimes the test are not always 100% And for the verbs out method you can still get pregnant because of pre *. I dream up her best bet would be to see a doctor so the doctor could do special tests to see if she is pregnant. well-mannered luck!
omg if she uses the pull out method afterwards shes preganet..it took my best friends sister 5 0r 6 (sumthin lyk that she told me) tillit finnaly said + it is probably good she made and appt. but she still could be prego...one of my friends took 3 preg examination and had blood work done twice and they adjectives said she wasn't prego...but she was.
I don`t know she is pregnant get a audition done and contact me o and tell her to lay of the sex while shes w8ing for the resaults ok your "friend" want to start picking out babby names
Pregnancy test can give a false refusal. The missed period could be do to hormonal imbalance also. It is good that she is going to the doctor.

And yes, she can find pregnant using the "pull out method."
i estimate its inappropriate to mention on string Pulling out method does NOT work. Pre Cumm still has litte fish swimming within it. She needs to walk into the gyno and have a pregers interview done. STD's can also mess up your peroid. Go to the doctor and have them run oral exam!
The pull out method does not work. Due to the certainty that sperm can be in pre c*m. She is probably pregnant, It is massively likely that she is. Good luck to the both of you=) She really could be pregnant. She needs to see a physician to confirm this. Also, the verbs out method doesn't keep you from getting pregnant. There is a unmistaken amount of fluid full of sperm leaking up to that time ejaculation so there is a soaring probability that she's pregnant. Good Luck.
the pull out method is not massively affective because she could still get pregnant from pre-* or he might not own pulled out fully in time. even tho the pregnancy tryout said it was distrustful that just mechanism that the pregnancy hormones may not be strong enough to show up. but if she is 2 months belatedly i am thinking she is, but the only method to really know is to go to the doctor and grasp a test done. they will know how to tell her if she is or not and but for what the reason is for her one so late. devout luck to her! She could be pregnant. If the tests she used be store-bought, it's highly imagined that they're reporting wrong. However, she could also just be going through change. A woman's body changes constantly. Maybe her body is maturing into nouns (sorry, I know that's doesn't sound too polite, but it could be true). Another possiblility is that she has cysts or tumors somewhere within her reproductive organs. She definitely wants to go to the doctor, attain checked for pregnancy, and have a pelvic nouns. Tell your friend I said good luck!
Is she below alot of stress? Does she have a thyroid problem? She should see a doctor. If she doesn't own alot of money. her local health clinic will check these things out. They will do a preg try-out, but they will also check for other thing that are putting her hormones out of whack, her obgyn would do like thing. There are abundant things that be at fault, some are to some extent serious, so you are to be commended for telling to see a doctor. jump to the doctor...the tests that you buy within stores or whatever don't other work...I'm almost positive that she is pregnant
I've actually missed for six months contained by a row without individual preggo, there are alot of things that could be affecting her time.

Severe change contained by diet, going off the pill incorrectly, hormonal inequity, stress or illness. At home pregnancy test aren't always reliable, for some women they flat out don't work. The doctor's appointment is exactly what she wants to do, they'll run a pregnancy test and see if it's anything else as capably. Sometimes your body is just 'out of whack' as my gyno put it.

And as have been said, the verbs out method is not birth control. Just because he doesn't finish does not mean that he didn't 'leak'. Sperm can be released beforehand that(pre-*), so it is entirely possible that she is pregnant. Whatever the outcome, get her on some definite birth control, like the shot, or the pill asap.
i am the girl within question her! I know the verbs out method doesnt work...im not retarded! shes going to die

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