I have sex on the daylight my time come the condom broke can the blood stop sperm should i be worried?

Answers:    probably not. but its still possible.
No, remember why you're bleeding. It isn't possible for you to get pregnant at the launch of your period (but it is possible at the wind up..when you may be ovulating). you can get pregnant anytime of the month, even though you do hold your period. but i wouldn't verbs just however.
When you get your spell it means that an egg that dropped from the ovary 2 weeks before was not fertlized and presently the endometrium, which was adjectives ready to nurture a fertilized egg, is released, flowing out of your body, unused. So, the answer is no...you can't be pregnant. In reality, about the single "safe" time to have sex lacking birth control is during your flow...gross! rule of thumb you only ovulate two weeks after your time of year. But I think that I get pregnant on my period, every ones body is different. If you don't want a little one all pharmacy's convey plan b but you need to lift it with surrounded by 72 hours after unprotected sex and it should no be used as birth control.
No blood cannot stop the sperm from traveling, so wait a few weeks and thieve a pregnancy test. Blood does not stop sperm.

It is smaller quantity likely to find pregnant on your period, but here's how it happen:

You ovulate off-schedule. Sometimes that happens. If in that ae sperm present in the fallopian tubes, the egg can be fertilized. Once fertilized, the egg can rob 6-12 days to travel through the tube and implant surrounded by the uterus---and by that time, there could be plenty of a uterine lining to support it.

It's smaller amount likely, but really not impossible.
It is possible, but not too likely. Take the morning after pill if you can, otherwise run a pregnancy test when your subsequent period comes. That's adjectives you can do for now, really - it sucks I know, I've be there. But in recent times try to keep your mind stale of it. :) Good luck.

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