I found out that I enjoy a somewhat huge fibroid within my uterus...?

At 1st, since about Dec. I be having the most severe pains within my stomach, I couldn't even stand or pick up my son. I had greatly abnormal bleeding and spotting. I only just went to a gyno and they made an ultrasound appt. finishing week. They found a somewhat large fibroid within my uterus, whereabouts, I find out tomorrow hopefully! Anyway, I was wondering what to expect. Do they involve to do a biopsy to figure anything out or when do they suggest removing it? I'm other researching things on the internet, but they don't help near this one too much. I also have endometriosis so I already own problems. Would the 2 combined make it even harder to hold more children? I can't wait until tomorrow. So any suggestions would be amazing. Thanks for taking your time for me!!

Answers:    I can't give support to you with respect to endometriosis, as that cause its own set of fertility problems...

I had a substantial fibroid. They did the "wait-and-see" method first... After my symptoms continued and/or worsened, they changed my BC pills to try to manage the bleeding that track. Only thing is, while the pills may serve to manage the excessive bleeding, they hormones contained by the pills (namely estrogen) contribute to the growth of the fibroid, itself. (ESTROGEN GROWS FIBROIDS, PERIOD.)

I decided to draw from off of adjectives pills... Then I became pregnant, at which time you produce like mad more what? ESTROGEN.

My pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage, after which I be sent to a reproductive endocrinologist, which I recommend to you, also, if you've got co-morbidity (more than one medical issue going on)--both of which can adversely affect fertility--and you still desire to enjoy more children.

Ultimately I had a laparoscopic myomectomy to remove the fibroid. At the time of my battery-operated of tests the fibroid ways ~4.1cm at its largest... By the time I have surgery it was 8cm! So I don't know if yours is larger, but it is possible to remove a sizeable fibroid and leave you your womb. A reproductive endrocrinologist is a specialist who can remove it AND preserve your fertility.

Meantime, seriously cut caffeine sources, procure rid of estrogen sources that you may be ingesting in the form of medication, and stay away from soy and soy-based products, if at adjectives possible.

I'm sorry--you asked about carrying out tests: they can feel deeply with a pelvic exam alone, especially if you step for your annuals as recommended (they then own a baseline with which to compare)... They can examine it through ultrasound... My first fertility-type exam was an HSG (x-rays near contrast dye), the next be an SIS (same thing but next to ultrasound instead of x-rays and saline solution instead of dye), and ultimately an MRI, which revealed evidence contrary to what the prior two tests suggested. Non-invasive test.

Also, a lot depends on where on earth your fibroid is located. I have a friend whose fibroid be removed vaginally (100% non-invasive). My sister (who is not interested in have more children!) had hers treated via uterine ablation; but that wouldn't be appropriate for you. Again, how it is situated contained by your womb (mine was intramural) and where on earth it is located (mine was dorsal and pushing down posterially into my uterine cavity) have much to do with how they'd travel about relieving you of it.

I'm sorry something like all of that stomach-ache that you are in! I hope that you achieve this taken care of beside ease, efficacy, no error, and of course, God's mercy and divine and sovereign oversight. :0)
Hi,sometimes fibroids can settle down and be ok,but sometimes the tolerant needs Histerectomy,so see what your Gyno say.Goodluck.

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