Do Vitimans expire?

I had a bottle a vitimans for a while and here was a experation date on it... Do they really expire or are they still honourable?

Answers:    Tommy - the vitamins don't 'EXPIRE' but they may lose potency over time, so that a 100mg dose might be only 50mg. Also, at hand may be some ingredients in the vitamins (like the gel contained by the capsules or yeast or additives) that progress 'bad' and can make you sick - that's why here is an expiration date.
Yes, the strenth of like the vit c and stuff diminishes over time. yes, they really expire, don't embezzle them anymore
Yeah throw them out! They expire and other stuff in the pills also expire and turn into different compounds over time.
i consider they do but i used to have these flintstones vitamins i found and they be old and they taste good so i ate em!!
Yummm... : )-

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