Period problems...

my last period be on july 6th. it hasnt come yet but i think it be supposed to. should i be worried. i am 17, not on birth control.

Answers:    is this first time ur having delayed menstruation?if its first time dont worry linger for another 4 days.if repeatedly occurs this condition name is oligomonorrhoea.truly it requires no treatment if repeatedly occurs u need medical essentially occurs in obese,poorly developed lower sexual characteristics,pregnant,ovarian subfunction .
Honestly, if your period is regular, it's still the sixth. You've still got the rest of today to start. And even if it's not, conservatory is about to start, you could be stressed, or pregnant if you're sexually active.

I don't know what regular period are like, so I can't really relate, but stress affects when you get your extent and school is starting up. Plus you're still young ample to be experiencing irregular periods with it still one considered normal..
if ur sexually active after that is not good! if ur not sexually alive then you most likely will carry it soon. your period usually doesn't always occur on the same simply watch out for this week and next week! other carry some pads/tampons with you and wear a wad.

OMGeez, mee too! Mine ended after that, but don't be worried, unless you are doing things shall we say, near guys. Every now and then your body purely skips a beat or two. It probably isn't anything to worry around. Good look! Hope I helped.:)) periods can be messy and irregular. your probaly skipping a period. if not the condom popped or you in recent times got pregnant..
well yes if your haveing sex

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